Forty Seven - "Take care of my little girl."

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Chapter Forty Seven

Kristov's POV

For the last ten minutes, I had been staring at the beautiful 24-carat diamond engagement ring on my hand. I could not contain my excitement and nervousness for the evening ahead. I would ask Pia to marry me... be my wife and the mother of our children.

My only wish was for her to say yes. She was always focused on work and her career, and gave the implication that she was not ready to settle down in the near future.

But I love her so much that my chest would explode anytime. She's my life, my love, my heart, my everything. And I'm becoming more and more desperate everyday, wanting to be with her, to start our new life together.

Tonight, I will be celebrating my 30th birthday. Pia organizes the party at the mansion, inviting our families, colleagues, staff, close relatives and friends. It will be our two year anniversary also of being together.

Last week, I already asked Luis and Divine for her hand in marriage. Pia was working overtime, while I sneaked out to have dinner with her parents in a fancy Japanese restaurant. Luis got very emotional and cried, while Divine was very ecstatic, already planning the wedding.

Luis hugged me, "take care of my little girl."

"I will," I assured him, "with all my strength and capability."

"Love her the same way I love her," he added.

I chuckled and said, "absolutely not, Luis. I'll love her way more. With all my heart, body and soul."

He patted my back, and planted a kiss on my cheek, "thank you, son. I trust you."

Divine leaped with joy and hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you and Pia. Finally, you'll be my son-in-law!"

"Thank you, Divine. I hope Pia won't contradict me anymore if I'll pamper you shopping," I said, teasing her.

"Of course! She has no reason to, anymore," her eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Here Divine," I opened my wallet and gave her one of my black credit cards, "go shopping for the engagement party. Buy whatever you want for yourself and Luis."

"Oh my God! Seriously?" her eyes grew big, as she took the card.

I nodded, smiling at them, "very soon, you'll be my parents-in-law. I want you both to start enjoying the privileges that Pia and I have."

"In that case, I should keep this credit card," Luis tried to snatch the card from Divine, but she was quick.

"No way. You'll only take us to the thrift store," she argued, "I want to shop at Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes!"

I smiled at the thought of them arguing over a simple thing. They were adorable and I learned to love them as my parents.

There was a knock and Jack entered inside my office. I summoned him to come to the office.

"Yes, sir?" he asked, walking towards my desk.

"I want to show this to you," I said, indicating the engagement ring on my fingers, "do you think Pia will like this?"

He moved closer and examined the ring. He nodded, "absolutely sir, I have no doubt. She'll love it. It's very beautiful. Exquisite."

"Do you think she'll agree to marry me?"

His expression suddenly became doubtful, "hmm... I really don't know sir. She's a very determined lady, and right now, she's pursuing her dream to become successful in her career."

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