Forty Four - "Believe whatever you want."

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Chapter Forty Four

Pia's POV

Kristov was taken to the emergency room of New York Hospital. He needed to undergo immediate surgery to remove the bullet from his abdomen.

I was still shocked by what happened. I felt like I was in a horrible nightmare.

My eyes riveted at the door of the operating room, waiting for anyone to come out to give an update on Kristov's condition. My hands were trembling, thinking of his welfare. The doctor said that he was in a critical condition, because he lost a lot of blood. They were afraid that he had damages in his vital organs.

Worried. Agitated. Anxious. Too many emotions overwhelmed me. I felt like my heart would explode.

I kept recalling what happened earlier, making me upset with myself. This should not happen if I settled the situation with Jacob differently. I was wrong to provoke him and declare my love for Kristov in front of him. That triggered him to fire the gun.

I felt so bad and blamed myself for being responsible for everything.

One hour passed, and I was still in the hallway of the operating room with Jack. I was sitting on a cold metal bench, hugging Kristov's jacket, waiting for the surgery to get done.

"I'll get another cup of coffee. What about you, do you want any drinks?" Jack offered.

"A bottle of water please."

Jack nodded and left me alone.

I texted Mom telling her about what happened when suddenly, there was a sudden commotion. Kristov's father, Pablo Stavrakos, arrived looking so frantic.

Feeling shy of meeting him for the first time, I stood up and greeted him. But all I got was a cold accusing stare.

"What the fuck! You got the nerve to show your face here, when this is all your fault! You and that lunatic boyfriend of yours, will pay for this!" He spatted and pointed a finger at me.

"I'm deeply sorry, Mr. Stavrakos. I'll take the blame, it's all my fault," I was teary-eyed, not able to look him straight in the eye.

"Good. Remember to admit that when you're in court! Get the hell out of here, and out of my son's life."

"Please, sir... I can't leave Kristov. He needs me... and we love each other."

"Love?" He twisted his lips angrily, "Love is not in the Stavrakos vocabulary. We marry for business and power. A woman in low status like you, has no place in our family. We know you only wanted to get access to his bank account."

I was taken aback at the insults he threw at me. Is that how he really sees me? That I'm only after their fortune?

I lifted my chin a little, and met his glaring eyes, "you're right, I'm way below your level, but I'm not after your family's money. Kristov and I believe in love, and we love each other so deeply."

"That's an illusion people commonly made, and only realized their idiocracy after a major fight," He cocked his head to one side, "stop seducing my son, and leave him alone."

"I never seduced him."

"Who are you kidding, Miss Rosi? You work as a maid to my son with an ulterior motive to seduce him," he chuckled nastily.

"That's not true, sir."

"Really? I know how that little brain of yours works. At first, pretending to be a middle-age woman, to intrigue him of you being mysterious, elusive and unattainable," his lips curled cruelly.

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