Chapter 52

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Me and Luna are still asleep when a soft knock comes from our hotel room door

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Me and Luna are still asleep when a soft knock comes from our hotel room door. Maya, who is sitting at the desk doing her makeup to match Luna's competition outfit, gets up quietly to answer the door. I take a peek at the clock sitting on the nightstand and see that it is only 9am.

Before Maya can reach the door another loud aggressive bang rings through the room, effectively waking Luna. "Who the fuck?" she curses shooting up and ripping her sleep mask off. Luna depends heavily on her beauty sleep, always sleeping in her silk pajama set and sleep mask with her head perfectly propped up on 2 pillows like a princess.

"Good morning," Maya giggles from the door just out of view.

"Morning," I hear Alex reply sweetly. Even without seeing them I know they're both standing awkwardly at the door looking at each other trying to determine what to say next, both blushing slightly.

Ryder marches into the room and rips the blanket off Luna, covering my head with it. "Move Cruella," he orders as I feel her being ripped from our bed. I untangle myself just in time to see her being dumped onto the couch in our hotel room very dramatically.

"Agh Francesca," she screeches as Ryder turns back to the bed and climbs in, blanketing his body over mine.

"Ry," I scold while wrapping my arms around him, already enjoying the warmth his body radiates. My voice lacks all conviction as he smiles up at me, trying to look innocent.

Luna stands and gives Ryder one of the nastiest looks I have ever seen. "I am going to Tristians," she announces before grabbing her phone from the bedside table and then yanking a piece of Ryder's hair aggressively.

"Ow," he whines, rubbing his head. They both look at me the way me and my siblings use to look at our parents as we relentlessly beat on each other.

"Play nice, please," I ask while giving them both my cutest pouty lip and puppy dog eyes. They instantly soften and mutter weak apologies to each other before Luna slips on her slippers and leaves to go to Tristian's room across the hall. She doesn't bring any of her things since she still has 5 hours until she needs to be at the arena for warm ups.

"We are going to go get coffee, do either of you want anything?" Alex asks after Luna has loudly slammed the door to announce her departure.

"No thank you Alex," I smile as Ryder already begins planting soft kisses all over my face, neck, and shoulder.

He waits for Maya to get her shoes on and then leads her out of the room, his hand on her back. "We are incredible," I beam as we both look at each other.

"Do you know how many relationships we've created? Shit Beck, we should start our own matchmaking business."

"Fryder dating services," I suggest.

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