Chapter 23

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When I wake up my head is pounding and I wonder if breakfast might have been a bad suggestion

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When I wake up my head is pounding and I wonder if breakfast might have been a bad suggestion. If my hangover is this bad, I can't imagine how Ryder is feeling today. I almost feel bad for how we tricked him into taking more shots than us because we thought it would make it easier to get him to dance. I think I would actually feel bad if it worked but I only got him to dance to one song before he ran away to his little hideout.

One song dancing with Ryder was all I got last night yet the next day I can still feel his hands on me. He thinks he's a bad dancer but besides guys on my team who have been skating their whole lives I have never danced with someone as good as he was and that was him barely trying. I spent the rest of the night trying to mentally will him to rejoin me on the dance floor. Every time he shifted I thought he was coming over, only to be disappointed when he stayed planted in his spot.

Bray, Alex, and Maddie have all told me that Ryder never ever dances. Shit, apparently he used to not even party before I started coming, usually only showing face and having a few drinks before he would sneak away to his room. I take his new party attendance record as a win for Team Me but I am still determined to get him to dance with me for longer than a song. Bonus points if I can get him to do it willingly.

I stop thinking about Ryder's body pressed up against mine as we danced and focus on breakfast, which we are supposed to go to in 20 minutes. I start by making sure Ryder is alive before bothering to wake the twins.

Me: You alive?

Ryder: I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.

Me: stop ripping off song lyrics, breakfast still on?

Ryder: Yeah I will pick you guys up at 10am.

Me: Perf, see you soon.

I heave myself off the bed after talking to Ryder to wake the gremlins. My brothers have never really been morning people, not like me and my parents who are up with the sun most days, but given all the alcohol consumed last night this will be even more difficult.

"Wakie, wakie twinnies." I crawl across the air mattress they're sharing and lay between them taping both their faces lightly.

"Go play with the rats, leave us alone."

"Ryder, come get her; she's annoying," Sal whines.

I want to be annoyed at my brothers but the relief outweighs everything else.  I am so glad they like Ryder, not just as a hockey player but also as my friend. I had no idea in January he would become someone so important to my life but he is, I think he's more important to me than he even realizes. My whole life, my family never had much but we always had each other. We were picked on for never having the newest stuff or the latest version but we made it because we had each other to lean on. When all 3 of my brothers left for college I honestly considered being homeschooled because I didn't know if I could handle asshole teens without my support system. For the last 20 and a half years my brother's opinions meant everything to me. Of course we fought and disagreed but when it mattered we were a united force.

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