30. An Intruder

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We immediately look up and look towards the bedroom door.

J: 'Get out'

M: 'So this is the slut you dumped me for'

I raise an eyebrow at her.

Y: 'Slut? Honey be more original, you've called me that before!'

She rolls her eyes.

M: 'Oh I got let in, by that extremely attractive guy in the lobby, known as his girlfriend'

She points at Josh and smirks at me.

J: 'Well your clearly not, since I broke up with you this morning'

She rolls her eyes.

M: 'Josh cant you see that were meant to be? We dated in Canada and then we met again here and dated again-'

J: 'Ok 1. I only dated you in Canada cause I thought you were a decent girl, but then you cheated with my ex-bestfriends brother  2. How the hell are we meant to be when you never changed from that 13 year old bitch who took everyones mans and 3. We didnt really date again cause we dated for less then a day'

She rolls her eyes again.

Y: 'Do you have a problem with doing that? You do it alot'

She looks at me.

M: 'Dont worry hun, I've known him longer than you have and trust me, he doesnt stay with one girl for long. He gets bored. And I know for a fact he will get very bored, very quick, virgin'

Y: 'Ok right, you got some of that wrong cause, I'm not a virgin'

She laughs.

M: 'Oh wow this is actually so hilarious, no one wants to sleep with you babe, no one. So get out of that fake fantasy of yours, thinking that your not a virgin, cause I can bet that you dont even know how to give a blowjob, let alone a decent one'

J: 'Well I mean she was alot better then yours, you just tried to inflate my dick like it was a fucking balloon'

Her jaw drops and she goes pink.

J: 'Now get out'

M: 'This wont last long, ill make sure of it'

She then walks out and slams the door. Suddenly I burst out laughing and Josh looks at me and smiles.

J: 'Why you laughing so hard eh?'

Y: 'Did she really try inflate your dick like a balloon?!'

He giggles.

J: 'She got curious while giving me one of the worst blowjobs ever, literally had no idea how to hold the damm thing let alone put it in her mouth, Jesus Christ, it was a very traumatizing experience for both of us'

I start laughing again as he finishes and he gives me a really cute and genuine smile. I look at him and smile back.

Y: 'What?'

J: 'Your just really cute that's all, can we hug again cause we were so rudely interrupted'

I smile and lean over to him and he wraps his strong arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waits and lean my head on his shoulder. I smile as I watch his upper arm muscles flex as he tightens his grip on me. I feel his hot breath tingle against my shoulder and push my hand down to my thighs. Josh is discreetly watching me and softly traces my fingers. He mumbles something into my shoulder and I groan.

Y: 'Mmm?'

He leand his head up and repeats.

J: 'What were you gonna do with that hand then eh?'

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