15. An Explanation

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I turn to him and he looks me dead in the eyes.

Y: 'No way that's true'

J: 'Swear on my families life'

Y: 'You could literally pull any girl in this entire university, why me? The shy, nerd, virgin? Doesnt make sense'

J: 'Because your my roommate and I've trusted you with more stuff in my life then almost most of our friend group'

Y: 'I bet your only saying this to make me feel better and you dont actually mean it'

J: 'You dont trust me at all do you'

Y: 'I do trust you, but not on this subject!'

He laughs.

J: 'God your stubborn. What will it take to make it up to you?'

I smile.

Y: 'Hmmmm'

J: 'Gonna regret saying that'

I giggle.

Y: 'I just have 1 question,'

Josh looks up at me.

Y: 'Why,'

Josh explains everything he said to Liam, the conversation with his mom, and the entire morning.

Y: 'Wow, so no ones likes you right now'

J: 'Makes a change'

I giggle.

Y: 'Was that Josh talking or his massive sky-high ego?'

He laughs.

J: 'I am really sorry though, I never want to hurt you like that again.'

Y: 'Alright fine, I'll forgive you.'

Josh sighs with relief and lays next to me.

J: 'So now you cant deny it'

I look at him.

J: 'You have a crush on meeeee'

I roll my eyes and look away.

Y: 'Oh really? Do you just assume every girl wants to fuck you?'

J: 'Well most of the time its true'

Y: 'Mmmm feel bad for your family, having to live with you'

J: 'Awww are you calling yourself family?'

My jaw drips as I realise and turn away from him. I feel Josh's arms snake around my waist and pull me back to him. He lays his head on my back and kisses it.

J: 'Mmmmm, cant deny it'

Y: 'Well I clearly got the bad side of the deal having to live with you'

He smiles into my back.

J: 'Aw dont pretend you dont like me!'

Y: 'I dont!'

Josh snorts.

Y: 'Hey! Still dont forgive you for sleeping with whoever it was last night, was it someone from Uni?'

J: 'Yeah, Eva Smallcombe'

Eva was one of the popular girls who always hangs around the football and soccer pitches whenever the boys were practising, practically throwing herself at them.

Y: 'She was clearly desperate'

Josh's jaw drops.

J: 'Hey!'

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