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My heart races with anticipation as I approach him. The surge of emotions catches me off guard; they were absent just yesterday. He was my first love, and a smile spreads across my face as I reminisce about our teenage romance and the dreams we once shared. But then, the heartbreak floods back, reminding me of the possibility that I may never see him again.

An awkward smile forms on my lips as I finally stand before him. "Have you been waiting for long?" I inquire.

He chuckles, his dimples resurfacing in my memory. "I don't mind waiting," he replies.

"You once kept me waiting," I gently remind him.

"If I had a way on that fateful day, I would never have put you through that," he says, his voice filled with remorse.

Scanning the surroundings, I search for an empty bench where we can sit away from the bustling crowd and prying ears.

"Let's go sit," I suggest, and he follows me to a secluded corner.

I take a seat, and he positions himself at a distance. "You're leaving soon?" he questions.

"Unfortunately," I reply.

"Not my business, but where is your husband?" he probes.

"I'm getting divorced," I sigh, glancing away. "Can you imagine?" I murmur, remembering how I used to tell him that I'd only marry once.

"Is it beyond repair?" he asks, aware of his stance on divorce. We once shared the belief that getting it right the first time was paramount, never considering divorce as an option.

I remain silent, contemplating his question. Can my marriage ever return to normal? Is it salvageable? Is Mason capable of change? Or am I strong enough to ignore his actions and turn a blind eye?

"I'm the one who's broken and beyond repair," I finally admit.

"You were so happy on your wedding day," he comments.

I purse my lips pensively. Days after my wedding, I posted my pictures online. He was the first to comment, his single comment, "Alf Mabrouk," stuck with me for days. For days, I questioned my decision, wondering if I should have waited longer. I knew I hadn't let go of him; I had tried... "I was," I confess.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I failed you. It haunts me. I went back home, and a lot happened, I..."

"It's okay," I interrupt, afraid that in my vulnerable state, he might say the right thing at the wrong time, for the right reasons. He always had that purity about him. I had already suffered in waiting and learned to accept his absence.

"The other man seems like a good man," he observes.

"Mason's best friend." i respond and gaze at him, studying his face to discern his expression. Maybe he's judging me.

"I thought he looked familiar," he adds, and the conversation suddenly feels stilted. It's funny how things can change between two people who once had endless things to say to each other.

I nod, deciding to omit the part about the wife swap. It would only shake him to the core of the kind of life i live nowadays.

Our silence is interrupted by the announcement that passengers should begin boarding the buses, and I realize it's my time to go.

"I also wanted to invite you to my wedding," he blurts out, catching me off guard.

"Wedding?" I ask, a lump forming in my throat.

He nods, a small smile gracing his lips.

He nods, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"Congratulations," I mutter, struck by the cruel irony of our circumstances. Just as I'm going through a divorce, he is embarking on a new marriage.

He proceeds to share details about his upcoming nuptials and his bride-to-be. He speaks with pride, and as he continues, I realize the magnitude of what I've lost. If only I had waited a little longer, perhaps I would have married just once and never faced the pain of divorce.

"She is a lucky woman," I state, my voice filled with a bittersweet tinge.

"She reminds me a lot of you. All the strength that you possess," he says, nostalgia coloring his words.

He clearly holds the old version of me, a lot has changed and i have too in ways he doesn't know. If we would have met in the present, i don't think we would find the other compatible or suitable.

I nod silently, unable to find the right words to express myself.

"I'll release you before they leave without you," he offers, a hint of

I settle on my assigned seat and check all the messages that Mason did sent to me. My mother hasn't called or texted. Probably mad of what i said. It is fruitless to try to mend things with her. I have accepted that not all bridges can be mend.

I stare at the box on my arm and what it could contain. A gift from a woman other than sneaking her treats and her filling my days with humor. I knew nothing about, and with time i forgot about her, yet she remember me to her last breath.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and make the decision to uncover the secrets concealed within the box. Carefully, I pry it open, revealing its hidden treasures. The first item that catches my attention is an envelope, its width suggesting that it contains a letter. Setting it aside momentarily, I delve deeper into the box, my fingers grazing a folded satin scarf. Intrigued, I gently lift it out, savoring the smooth texture against my skin. But it's the photograph nestled beside the scarf that captures my curiosity. As I bring it closer to examine, I'm met with the image of a man—her husband, Eric. The realization sparks a flurry of questions in my mind.

All the contents inside make no sense and i decide to open the letter, maybe it will offer perspective to my confusion.

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