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"This is oddly familiar." Joy states.

And I turn to give her a serious look.

She shrugs her shoulders, "In high school, boys would line up to ask you out, but you were crazy about just one boy." She adds.

I look through the windshield at the men on my porch. Mason is seated on the steps, while Rome stands beside him. His hands folded on his chest. My gaze remains on him for a while before I shift to Moha. He has transformed and looks like a cast from a Turkish soap. His thick brows were my favorite and would think about how our kids would be beautiful. He has matured, with a face full of beards and a chest that fits his shirt like a second skin.

"Let's go back," I mutter to Joy.

She shakes her head with a mischievous smile, "I am not missing this. And I am curious to get a good look at this Rome."

"Don't dare get out of this car," I warn her as she does the opposite of my threat and I am left with no choice but to get out too.

I sigh. What is one supposed to do in such a scenario? I even have to wonder how Mason and Rome are existing in the same space.

I see Mason stand up and he rushes to us while Rome remains in the same spot not even acknowledging my presence.

"Why did you not come home?" He asks as his eyes find Joy. He forces a smile at her, "Hey, Joy?" He says to her.

She shares a mutual dislike of him and returns a forced acknowledgment.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Your mother called." He says.

Of course.

Moha steps closer to us. He just stares at me. "Hey, Ena?" He says.

I want to hug him just to spite Mason but he does not like that. I look over at Rome. He is comfortable just watching us. Why did he come if he will just ignore me?

"...I wanted to talk to you," Moha says.

Mason gives him an angry look, "I am trying to have a conversation with my wife." He stops him.

Joy coughs at the mention of Wife.

"My number, Call me we talk tomorrow " Moha ignores him and gives me a card and just leaves.

"That's why you came here? To meet your ex-boyfriend? " He accuses and I begin to have a headache.

"I can do whatever I want. You did just that and never cared what I felt." I snap at him.

He looks over at Joy, "Can you give us some privacy?"

She turns to me and I nod to her that I will be okay.

"Let's go home." He says.

"I am home."

"You know what I mean." He says frustrated.

"We are done," I state and he seems taken back. His face goes pale and remains dumbfounded.

Those are words I have never used with him, even at our worst. I could only beg we find a solution or he gives me space to think. Never had I ever thought of those words and the weight of them finally gets to him.

"Wh...why?" He is confused and I find his reaction ridiculous. I really had made him so comfortable such that he was confident that despite anything I would never be done. I do not know if to be impressed that he thought of me so strong that I would never break or found me foolish to have no limits.

"The fact you have the audacity to ask that question should be enough to answer why, "

His expression shifts from confusion to warmth. A manipulative tactic, "Now that Tyler is gone, his room can be our baby's room. We can have the kids you always wanted and I will be there." He says desperately. His words don't move me anymore. I know those are dying horse kicks and will say anything to make me go back and after one or two months he will be back to his old ways.

"You don't mean that. You don't even care for any of those things." I state. And tonight I just keep on surprising him. Other days after saying what he wanted me to hear. I would reward his betrayal with sex hoping to feel desired and adequate like the women he cheated with, but I would only hate myself afterwards.

He shakes his head, "You are just overwhelmed and I am sure tomorrow you will be thinking rationally," He starts to walk back to my parent's house and I see him get in.

My mother called him and now he is going to be spending the night here?

Rome remains unmoved at his initial spot. Joy walks back at me, "That boy is hot!" She whispers to my ear referring to Rome.

"I have bigger problems," I say referring to Mason.

"Easy just take him to your room and ride him as your mother and husband listens. They will both leave the house for you." She suggests and makes a face at her. Joy has always been crude with her words and actions.

"Go back to your family, I will handle this," I say.

"Handle that boy properly," She winks and I am now left with Rome.

"It is rude to ignore someone in their own house." I step closer to him.

"I wasn't welcome, to begin with," He says.

"Welcome. Let's get inside." I ask him.

He chuckles, "Your mother isn't a big fan,"

"I am neither hers," I joke.

"You had me so worried." He surprises me with a brief hug leaving me feeling disappointment and with a regret on his face.

"How did you find me?" I ask noting the bags on his eyes.

"I heard Esme talking on the phone with Mason that their plan had worked and you went back home."

"Plan?" I am confused.

"Whatever they meant. I just over them." He says to himself.

"What about her?" I ask.

"Nothing has changed, I am getting a divorce." He informs me.

And his news offer unsolicited relief.

There is stretched silence before he breaks it again, "I am not here to ask you to come back or any sort of thing. I hate how you just left without even giving me a chance to talk to you. You then ignored my calls, and had me worried." He states.

It is not what I expected to hear and his words hurt. "I am sorry," I whisper.

"I am not going to be an enabler of unhealthy behavior. You do not do that to the ones that care. You may be hurting but just allow someone to comfort you. I have done all that toxic cycle with Esme and I am not ready to go back to that rollercoaster." He uses his index finger to lift my chin, "When you are ready you know where to find me," He says and he gives me no room to speak as his lips find mine in a brief moment and the kiss ends so fast.

"Rome..." I call out his name.

"Take care of yourself. You still owe me one last dance." He says, reminding me of the dance competition in two weeks.

I watch him walk to his car and as he drives away. I feel like he has taken something away from me, but still gave something bigger back.

It is so bizarre how a stranger can mean so much to someone.

I turn and walk inside the house angry ready to give my mother and husband a piece of my mind. 

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