Chapter 23

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"The truth?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand. I looked around the ballroom and saw drapes billowing.

The balcony. That's perfect.

I led him to the door and slipped out, hoping nobody saw us. It was dark outside, only the full moon illuminating the area. A strange, intense surge rushed through my body. I grasped my stomach with one hand while holding onto the railing of the balcony.

"Ellie! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, I don't know. I feel weird."

"Is this your first full moon since your change?"

I nodded. Edmond smiled lightly.

"Yeah. The first full moon can be a bit intense. Take deep breaths, you'll be okay."

I nodded and composed myself, standing up straight again.

Should I tell him? I'm not supposed to, but he's my mate. He's an extension of me. Right? Plus, Ashley knows. I'm telling entirely too many people. But it's my mate...

"Now, what is this about some truth?"

"This is going to sound crazy, but just let me explain. Okay?"

"Of course."

I took a deep breath and prepared to tell him the truth. Everything that I knew about my mark.

"I'm, uh, not normal. I probably shouldn't even tell you. I don't think."

"How so?" Edmond questioned. "And we can share everything. We're mates, Ellie."

He's going to think you're crazy and not want to mate with you.

"I'm the daughter of Artemis," I said quietly.


"I'm the daughter of Artemis. This is her mark."

"We're all the children of the Goddess."

"No, Edmond. I'm literally her daughter."

"What? I thought that Beta Kenrick and Catherine were your parents."

"They are. Artemis was unable to birth me herself, so when mom was pregnant with Harmony, she simply put me alongside her."

"What?" He looked at me with the look I knew he would give.

Like I had three heads and a shirt saying I love werecats.

"Yeah, it's weird and confusing and I didn't believe it either."

He dropped my hand and took a step back. "This is a lot."

"I know. I'll understand if you don't..."

"Shh. Don't. I'm not abandoning you, but can you prove it?"

"Prove it? How?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure."

I pondered for a moment. "I see her sometimes."

"Her? Who?"


"You see the Goddess?"

I nodded my head.

"Can you see her now?" he asked, looking around the balcony.

I shook my head. "No. She's not here right now."

"Can you summon her or something?"

"I've never tried that. She usually just comes to me when she wants to. I can try."

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