Chapter 1

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The snowfall was relentless as I trudged through the deserted streets, my breath visible in the crisp winter air. The full moon shone brightly, casting an eerie glow on the blanket of white. I had always loved the snow, but tonight it felt different. The full moon seemed to call out to me, its silvery light beckoning me forward on a mysterious journey.

The snow danced and swirled in the moonlight, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that made me feel as if I was walking through a dream.

As I walked, I felt as if I was the only person alive in this winter wonderland. The silence was deafening, only broken by the crunching of snow under my boots and the occasional howl of the wind. Despite the cold, I couldn't help but feel a sense of calm and serenity wash over me. It was as if the snow was cleansing my mind and purifying my soul. I didn't know where I was headed, but I felt compelled to keep moving forward, drawn in by the hypnotic call of the full moon.

As I finally reached my home, I could see my dad sitting in the living room through the window. I opened the door and was greeted by the warm and inviting smell of hot cocoa.

My dad looked up from his book and smiled as I walked in, "Welcome home, dear."

I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of comfort and safety in my own home. I quickly shed my coat and boots and joined my dad by the fireplace, grateful for the warmth and company on such a cold and snowy night.

As we sat and chatted, I could feel my eyes growing heavy. It had been a long day and I was ready for some rest.

"Well, I think it's about time for me to head to bed," I said as I stood up from the couch. "Goodnight, Dad," I added, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before making my way up to my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed, feeling the soft sheets against my skin and the familiar lull of my home surrounding me. With a deep sigh, I let myself drift off into a peaceful sleep

As the days passed and the temperatures rose, the trees came to life with new growth and a burst of color. The dreary grey of winter was replaced by the beauty of spring. The sweet melodies of birds and the fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air. One morning, I woke to the sun shining brightly through my window, signaling that it was time to embrace the spring days. I opened my window to let in the fresh air and the sound of children playing outside. I decided to take a stroll in the park, immersing myself in the sights and sounds of nature. The lush green grass and fully blooming flowers invigorated my senses and filled me with a sense of renewal and hope.

However, as the seasons changed, the school days seemed to get longer and longer. As I sat at my desk, trying to stay focused on a monotonous lecture in my strategy class, my mind kept wandering. The day felt like an eternity, and all I could think about was going home.

Suddenly, I was jolted back to reality by my teacher's voice.

"Miss Lunaire, can you answer the question?" he asked, his tone laced with irritation.

I looked up to see every eye in the room fixed on me, and I could feel my face flushing with embarrassment as I realized I had no idea what the question was.

"Oh, um, what was the question again?" I asked, trying to play it off with a sheepish smile.

"Why is the battle between the Misty Pines and Winter Lake so important?" he repeated, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, right," I said, trying to gather my thoughts. "Well, there are two reasons why that battle is so significant. First, the Misty Pines pack was the first in 150 years to challenge the Lycan royal family at Winter Lake. Second, it was the first time that a combination of human form and wolf form was used to defeat an enemy in battle. Before that, all battles were fought exclusively in wolf form. This changed the way warfare was conducted from that point on."

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