Chapter 7 ~ Audience

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3 years old

"Okay, Alterisa. Are you ready?"

"There's no need to be nervous, baby. We'll be here with you."

"Y-Yes, mom, dad."

Hah... I know I didn't feel nervous that much before, but now that I'm here... I'm really nervous. I mean... I'm literally about to meet a real royalty.

They have been really interested in meeting me ever since I helped with my dad's work. And now, they've finally caught us.


Well, here we go. Come on acting skills! Don't fail me now!

The door to the throne opened and my dad took my hand and escorted me through the throne room with my mom at my other side.

As expected of the throne room, it was a really majestic scene. On the throne was a golden haired man, exuding the aura of a ruler just by sitting down, and a beautiful light golden haired woman.

Wow... They're really beautiful~ They're on par with my dad and mom's beauty! Oh, they're also smiling. I guess I won't be in any trouble then~

My dad bowed towards them and my mom and I curtsied to greet the king and queen.

"It is an honor to be granted an audience with you, your majesty King Luke von Derium and your majesty Queen Sonia von Derium."

"Come on now, Altair. There's no need to act that formally with me right now. You and Lisa have been our good friends ever since childhood, and this is not a formal audience."


"Lisa! It's been so long! I've missed you!"

"Sonia! I've missed you too!"

My mom and the queen run towards each other and hugged, leaving my dad and I dumbfounded by their sudden "Kya kya" liveliness. They didn't look act like the queen and the wife of the most powerful duke right now, but just as normal women meeting their best friend.

"See, even Lisa isn't that tense."

"Hah... Fine."


After convincing dad, his majesty nodded satisfiedly and shifted his gaze towards me.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Alterisa. I have heard of your achievements of helping Al here."

"Yes, I am incredibly honored and humbled that someone such as myself was granted an audience with the king and queen of the kingdom. I am also very honored that your majesty remembered my name. However, please allow me to introduce myself formally. My name is Alterisa von Lorya, first daughter of duke Lorya, Altair von Lorya, and duchess Lorya, Lisa von Lorya. It is a honour to meet you, your majesty."

I curtsied as best as I could and said my piece with elegance, fluency, proper articulation, confident yet still with humble tone and very respectful.

I'm sure I did it perfectly but... why is there no reply?

Queue the cricket sound...


Seriously... Guys... What's happening?

Hm... It's fine to raise my head now right? Well... if it's not then please dismiss it as a child's mistake. Let's also smile brightly so they'd forgive me easier.

When I rose my head, I saw them staring at me with wide eyes. Even my parents!

W-What? Do I really did something wrong?

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum