Chapter 106 ~ AvLFC

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[3rd POV]

The library within Lavinia Academy was one of the greatest and largest libraries in the kingdom.

It was a four story building located to the left of the academy, with each floor filled with rows and rows of shelves with hundreds of thousands of books filling it as well as the walls that had been transformed into shelves to hold even more books in it. Aside from confidential files, secret documents, forbidden tomes, and historical artifacts, the library of Lavinia Academy holds an immense collection of the kingdom's history, may it be history, economy, agriculture, culinary, or even books about swordsmanship and magic.

Given how easier it was for them to access the academy's library compared to trying to get access for the library within the royal palace, many students, scholars and even court magicians would sometimes come and browse Lavinia Academy's library to find information for their research.

And to accommodate them in their research, large mahogany tables and cushioned seats were available in the reading area of each floor. There were also private rooms on each floor if they wish to discuss amongst themselves without disturbing other visitors, to have a meeting, or to simply have privacy during their research.

Amenities such as some snacks and teas were also available if they wish to prolong their stay within the library. And as each book had been enchanted with protection and preservation magic, there was no need to fear any of the books being damaged by them.

On the second floor of the library, the clacking sound of heels stepping against the marble floor echoed throughout the book-covered corridors. A beautiful, light-blue haired young lady walked gracefully through the halls until she arrived before a door to a private room.

She knocked and opened the door after a voice from within gave her permission to enter.

"Good day, Silium-sama. Thank you very much for accepting my request and coming here."

A handsome, crimson-haired man stood up from his seat and bowed elegantly.

"Good day, Varion-sama. It is my pleasure."

"Please, have a seat."

"Thank you."

Keith pulled a chair for Evelyn to sit before he returned to his seat opposite of her.

As he returned to his seat, he couldn't help but observe the young lady before him.

Evelyn von Silium, one of the most famous young ladies known for her beauty, heritage, talent, elegance, and ever present smile.

Even when she was only sitting, she exuded a gracefulness and elegance that no regular noble lady could replicate. And yet, she was still humble, kind, and gentle towards others.

She was truly a lady who embodies the ideal noble woman.

But sitting before her, Keith simply couldn't help but feel uneasy.

He had known Evelyn since they were children. They've met on several occasions and events held by their families. And naturally, due to both of their fathers being dukes, they were acquainted with each other fairly well.

But even with that, Keith wouldn't know her as much as he would now if not for Alterisa. Evelyn was one of her best friends, and Keith was her brother's close friend who also secretly held feelings for Alterisa. Thus, they'd naturally encounter each other and get to know one another when they were to visit her.

And after years of coincidentally meeting each other whenever they visited Alterisa, they've come to know each others' true self simply by observing one another since they would always put away their masks in front of Alterisa. From this, a sense of trust grew between the two. It was not one out of friendship, and certainly not love, but one born after knowing each others' true self.

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