Jacob: War Boy

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Jacob and Sophia were still wanted by the Indian authorities,so they wouldn't dare poke their heads out during the day. They were both out of bullets and other important supplies,The Major got in touch with one of his many criminal contacts to rectify the situation.

They were told to meet the contact in a underground brothel called Khali's cave. Once they entered the place they were surrounded by seductive lighting,skin and cigarette smoke. Heavy base and lyrics Jacob could just about make out were booming from speakers, he should've learned Hindi probably before heading out here.This was the most popular brothel in all of India and it attracted a very diverse clientele.

Drug dealers,enforcers,kingpins,police officers,judges and even influe
ntial religious leaders.
But the pair were here for the man they called War Boy.

According to Intel this guy got into the arms trade at the age of 14 as an assistant of sorts,by the age of 18 he was one of Britain's top arms dealers. He landed his first international contract a year later,ever since then his client list has become a who's who of mobsters,dictators,revolutionaries,terrorists and standing armies.

"How much baby." A Detective grabbed Sophia's arm aggressively.His pupils were dilated,the lines of cocaine on a table nearby probably had something to do with it. Her mind went back to the small community she was raised in and how vile men dragged away the mother she'd never see again.

She was ready to break the man's neck but she managed to control herself.
"I'm not a rental,baby." She said confidently
"One of us on the outside and American on the inside,that's hot." The detective grinned.
"We're looking for War Boy,know where we should start looking." Jacob said sharply.

"Laurie?,yeah he's probably round the back getting his cock sucked by some bitch." The Detective said taking another hit of coke.
"Wait you two look familiar....just kidding." The Detective burst into uncontrollable laughter.

As they were walking through the brothel sex workers gave Sophia dirty looks as if she was competition,having Jacob by her side probably wasn't helping matters. They finally made it to the private room Laurie was in.
"In we go." Sophia said about to open the door.
"Wait, he's clearly in the middle of something." Jacob said as Laurie let out a long moan
"Meh,I've walked in on him before." She said forcing the locked door open.

"Jesus Christ! You couldn't let me finish could you,well that's what happens when people ask for you more often than the Wi-Fi code I guess." Laurie chuckled whilst zipping up his jeans and the naked women kneeling between his legs got up awkwardly and they both walked out.

Laurie was rocking a unique look to put it mildly,his outfit was a hybrid of what a pimp and rock star would wear.
His ankle boots were made of crocodile skin and he was rocking a Paded red leather jacket with a casual black shirt,he had a black fedora on the table he probably uses to cover his shaved head when it gets cold and rose tinted shades clipped onto his shirt. As the dim purple lighting in the room shined on his bronze skin Jacob noticed a resemblance to Lancelot that was hard to ignore.

"How've you been my dear." Laurie said with a cockney accent
"Well I'm still Traveling to exotic locations,meeting new people only to kill them a few moments later,the usual." She said with a smile.
"Li get their order." Laurie gestured to his young assistant.
"You have an assistant now?" Sophia asked
"I prefer apprentice,I picked him up from Beijing...or was it Tokyo,ah my memory's getting hazy at my age it could easily be Pyongyang." Laurie chuckled .
"Who's your boyfriend ?" Laurie started stroking his thick beard.

"Jacob Blackfyre." Jacob said confidently
"Bond,James Bond. " Laurie smiled
"Blackfyre huh,well it's not the stupidest name I've ever heard." Laurie grinned.
"I'm guessing War Boy stole that honour." Jacob's soulless blue eyes penetrated Laurie's confident gaze.

"I like him, Sophia don't kill this one he's definitely a keeper." Laurie smiled
"I'll do my best." Sophia laughed.
" He's definitely the brooding type though,might just be worse than my brother.....wait no that's not possible." Laurie said before sipping some Bourbon.

"You have a brother ?" Sophia said now more intriguied than ever.
"Yup some Army nut,seriously what kind of idiot does that shit and accepts such a shitty pay check,guess we never had anything in common." Laurie said finishing his scotch.

Li finally returned with a huge cart filled with high end weaponry along with ammunition.
"Ah finally the fun part, so for you my dear I've got the Walther PPK,I'm sure your familiar with most of the specs but this one has a hair trigger just how you like it. As for you pretty boy I've got the Sig Sauer P226,Sophia said you were military so I didn't mess around with the specs your'e used to." Laurie said checking the handguns, he looked so comfortable with them that if he didn't know better Jacob would mistake him for a Military Armourer.

"And here's the main attraction, The Cheytac Intervention sniper rifle you two know the drill .308 ammunition,bolt action and a maximum range of 2,286 Meters or 250 Yards for my little Yankee princesses." Laurie smiled.

In the car

"They're not brothers." Sophia said dismissively.
"They might as well be clones that both love their Bourbon.if I had a photo the old bastard I could prove it." Jacob said looking very convinced.

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