Lancelot: Firepower

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Camelot Firing range

Lancelot decided it was about time
that Chivalry's office staff and computer wizzes a crash course in self defence. He always figured it was only a matter of time until Pine's goons try and abduct them and try and get Chivalry secrets.
"Alright this the Beretta Nano, 5.6 inches long and .9 inches wide so you can easily carry it in a bag purse or even your pocket." Lancelot said loading the Nano.
"It's a semi-automatic, that means a bullet will only come out when you pull the trigger." Lancelot said casually,he figured teaching civilians this stuff wouldn't be easy but they all look like they're in awe.

"Uh any questions? " Lancelot asked, sure enough someone raised their hand.
"When can we use something with a little more kick, I don't know a Desert Eagle." A Mage Lancelot had never seen in his life asked.
"No way in hell, I barely trust you lot with the Nano, any other questions.
Vivien raises her hand and Lancelot nodes.

"Why are we using pig carcasses as targets." Vivien asked looking at all of them being hung upside down.
" Good question, well unlike a sheet of paper blood comes out when you hit 'em." Lancelot said but suddenly his phone rang.
"Sorry have to take this." Lancelot says walking away.
"Hi babe,At work...Uh huh,Alright I'll make my way now." Lancelot then made his way to the car park leaving a security guard to supervise the class.

Chivalry car park

The car park was above Camelot but it's only available to senior management, everyone has their own parking spot Lancelot's was right next to Arthur's. However Arthur's beautiful Aston Martin DB5 was noticeably absent from it's spot.

Lancelot didn't have time to wonder where his boss went,he was on a mission. He got in his Range Rover and drove out the car park. As a personal favour Merlin modified the old girl from the ground up. She has the durability of a tank but is also as fast as a sports car. Lancelot also wanted some serious firepower so a M4 carbine rifle is in hidden compartment round the back and a grenade launcher in a secret compartment in the boot.

Lancelot relies on her to get Belle to and from peace talks in one piece, He told her the car's bulletproof but didn't mention the guns because she would never approve. The Range Rover's armour has kept them alive after sensitive talks on many occasions, but if the time came when Lancelot needed to use the Firepower
Hidden away he wouldn't hesitate.

Lancelot exited the vehicle and acknowledged his next door neighbour Gareth who served in the navy, they occasionally go to the pub together and watch football. Come to think of it he's the only normal friend Lancelot has, He's always found it hard to mingle with his other neighbours, some simply didn't understand him while others firmly believe he doesn't belong. But not with Gareth,they both had the Military in common so they bonded over that. Lancelot never told him he served in the SAS for two reasons,firstly whenever a former soldier says that they served in the regiment most rightly assume they're full of shit and second Lancelot's keeping a low profile so any of his neighbours knowing he was in the regiment was attention he didn't need. So as far as Gareth knows Robert was a paratrooper throughout all his military career.

"Alright Rob." Gareth said mowing the lawn.
"Yeah I'm good." Lancelot said walking to his door.
As soon as he got in their dog Ghandi greeted him. Ghandi is easily the most friendly KC spaniel and that's quite an accomplishment.
"Well someone's pleased to see you." Isobel said packing items into her purse.
"He the only one." Lancelot snuck up behind her and kissed her neck over and over again.
"Stop it." She blushed but he didn't listen.
"We have to go, Anderson is waiting." She was slightly irritated but she didn't really want him to stop.
He gave her a light spanking before walking away.
"Arse." She smiled.

Isobel couldn't resist the urge to hold his hand on the way to the car, she once said that the day they stopped holding hands was the day they'd get divorced so he couldn't exactly object even though they were both well in their in their 50's.

"So what's the plan." He asked while driving.
"Well as you know the the Iran war Trump started hasn't exactly showed any signs of coming to an end, so every world power wants India to take a side." She said checking all the messages Anderson left her.
"So you and Anderson are gonna work your magic and get 'em on our side." He said trying really hard not to lose his cool on the way to the Indian embassy,easier said than done when it's like people are driving with blindfolds on.

"Yeah,just have to coordinate with the embassy before we go to Mumbai." She said staring out the window.
"Babe what's wrong?" He turned to her and asked while the traffic refused to go anywhere.
"I don't want them to pick a side Rob." She said.
"Why ? " he asked.
"If India joins in how many more boys are going to be sent to die because Trump had poor impulse control.
"Belle they made their choice, like I made mine way back when." He replied
"Was it your choice? The government don't provide enough opportunities for the working class,so rather than stack shelves for God knows how long you were jumping out of planes into war zones before you had the right to vote, politicians love to talk a big game but when it comes down to it they sit around drinking champagne, having affairs and focusing on relection while men and even boys get killed." She looked pissed off. He suddenly kisses her on the cheek.
" I love you babe." He said looking at her but then the traffic finally started to move.

"Alright wait here, After the trouble you caused in Paris you coming into an embassy isn't the best idea, besides I'm pretty sure you're banned." She said staring at him.
"Trouble,what trouble." He said chuckling.
"Don't give me that, pens are banned now due to their apparent potential to be used as lethal weapons, I have to type everything and you know how much I hate computers." She stared him down before getting out the car.
"point taken, if I hear any trouble i'd be down there like the Flash.he said
She stares at him again but then he grabs a pencil from the glove box and shows her through the window and grins. She couldn't resist.

Three hours later.

"Sorry I took so long" she said in a hurry.
"Don't be I got Chinese,here I saved you some." He said grabbing it from the back.
"Cheers,I'm starving." She started eating straight away.
He started driving towards Heathrow to catch the next available flight to Mumbai.

"So did you bring enough ammunition?" She asked whilst enjoying her Chinese.
"What?" He said in shock.
"Yeah for all those guns you think you've hidden in the car. " She said still enjoying the Chinese

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