chapter 14 (continuation)

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Sorry to disappoint but this isn't a new chapter. It's the ending to chapter 14 because for some odd reason, page 5 doesn't show up. So it's jut a page long and hopefully I will be able to update in about a week or two. School ends in less than two weeks!! Wooo! So be patient till then and sorry I couldn't fix the problem. Here's the little ending for chapter 14.

“Hey Anna.” Connor calls.

            “Yeah?” I call back.

            “You’re going to want to come down here.” He says.

            Confused, I go downstairs to find 5 people on my doorstep. But it’s not just any 5 people, it’s my team. I stare at them dumbfounded.

            “What are you guys doing here?” I yell.

            “Well we decided to check up on you. We wanted to make sure you weren’t being taken advantage of by him.” Tristan looks at Connor with a glare.

            Connor puts his arm around my shoulder.

            “I would never do that.” He smirks.

            All the guys glare at him while Brock tears Connor’s arms off of me. Connor doesn’t do anything but let Brock manhandle him.

            “Guys guys guys. My sister is sleeping right now. So please stop and keep it down.” I whisper.

            They immediately stiffen. Brock then releases Connor.

            “So since you checked up on me and see that I’m fine, would you mind leaving? Besides, shouldn’t you guys be with your family instead of worrying about me?” I ask.

            “Well you see, I already had a nice time with my family and was worried about you. And how Connor is acting, I can’t just leave a damsel in distress.” Tristan says.

            “I’m not a damsel in distress.” I snap.

            Tristan ignores me. “So I decided to be a gentleman and stay with you to protect you for the next week.”

            My mouth drops open.

            “What?!” I yell.

            The boys shush me and I close my mouth.

            “You can’t be serious.” I say with clenched teeth.

            “Serious we are.” Alex says.

            I look around the room, realization finally hitting me.

            “Wait, you’re ALL staying here for the WHOLE week?” I ask in disbelief.

            They all nod. I feel myself get lightheaded and sit down.

            “What about your families?” I ask.

            “We’ve already seen our family and friends while others don’t even have families to see.” Alex says.

            That got me. I forgot that Brock, Gale, and Jacks don’t have a family. Actually, I’m surprised Jacks and Jason aren’t together now. Tristan probably just saw his parents and siblings. Alex could probably only handle so much of his dad. It makes sense but why come here? Oh right, they love me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I think about how this week is going to be. I sit up and look at all of them.

            “I don’t have much room so you are all going to have to sleep on the floor. Connor gets the guest bedroom because I owe him. I’m tired and going to bed. Good night.” I turn and go to my room. I lay down and before I can think any more about the situation I’m in, I fall asleep.

Miss GeneralNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ