chapter 11

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            “Alright boys, stick to the plan.” I say into the mic.

            “Roger General.” One of the men says.

            “A team, get to your positions. B team, stay where you’re at. C team, you’re with me. We’re going in.” I say.

            “Yes sir.” They all say.

            My team and I run to the outside of the wall surrounding the camp. We stay flat against the wall.

            “A team, you’re up.” I whisper.

            Arrows go through the air and into the men above the wall. Ropes are attached to the arrows and the men pull them from the wall so no one knows what happened. My team throws up grappling hooks. After a moment to see if anyone has noticed, my team climbs up. We all spread out on the wall and take out the remaining and changing outfits.

            “Alright men, I have to stay hidden because there are no girls but you guys can still infiltrate the camp. C team, you’re splitting up. One group goes undercover while the others open the doors for the other teams to come in. I’ll distract them.” I say.

            “How are you going to do that?” Connor asks.

            “Simple. I’m going to create a little chaos.” I smirk.

            “Just be careful. You ARE the General. If something happens to you then we’re all screwed.”

            “Yeah yeah yeah.” I wave my hands like they can see.

            “Anna.” Connor warns.

            “That’s General Berndt to you!” I hear a few snickers on the line and smile. “Anyways, back to the plan. Everyone get ready. Once you hear the first explosion, let everyone in and the others undercover go to the dungeons.” I say.

            “Roger.” They all say.

            I leave my team and go to the end of the camp. I take out a grenade and pull it. I wait a few seconds before throwing it. A loud explosion comes after and everyone starts to move. The enemy is suiting up and already investigating the explosion. I stay hidden as I run around throughout the camp and make more explosions go off. I hear the other teams charging in.

            As the battle starts I stay hidden in the shadows and take out the enemy. The enemy holds their own and I think for a second that we have to retreat until I hear it.

            “We got Jason!” Brock yells into the mic.

            I run out of the shadows.

            “Retreat!” I yell loudly.

            The men start to run as a few cover them. I make sure I’m the last one out as we retreat to the planes. We take off and head back to base.


            I sigh as I set down the phone. That was the last call I had to make. We lost a few men but thankfully not a lot but we still lost some. I make sure to make a call to each family and let them know. I try to console them and some appreciate it while others blame me. And I don’t blame them for blaming me. I was the one that came up with this battle strategy and I put my men in harm’s way. As much as I hate it, it’s the only way to get things done.

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