
Hey everyone!
          	I can't believe it - my first 200 read on my novel! I'm beyond thrilled and grateful for your support. my excitement has skyrocketed you'll mean the world to me. You guys are amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of readers to kick off this journey with.
          	Thank you so much for believing in my story! I'm really happy Thank you a thousand times
          	With lots of love and excitement,
          	[ Night ]


Hey everyone!
          I can't believe it - my first 200 read on my novel! I'm beyond thrilled and grateful for your support. my excitement has skyrocketed you'll mean the world to me. You guys are amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of readers to kick off this journey with.
          Thank you so much for believing in my story! I'm really happy Thank you a thousand times
          With lots of love and excitement,
          [ Night ]