
Our broken hearts hit it's first important milestone of 500 reads and I am extremely thankful for all of you guys for making this possible, and I dearly hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. 
          	And stay tuned for more exciting events to come. x 
          	Question: Team Alex or Team James? 


To all of you guys who have been reading How To Be Beautiful, I am here to tell you that the story has been taken down for editing due to some typing issues and plot holes that I was uneasy and totally unhappy about. 
          And editing while the story is still up made it feel kinda unfair for the new readers because it gets kinda confusing, so I decided to take it down and repost it as a whole after editing. 
          P.s I will notify you all once it's up again, which hopefully won't be long. 
          -All the love and appreciation, Camilla.


So How To Be Beautiful is officially done, which makes it my very first complete novel and I couldn't be happier. 
          This story as I might have said before holds a big part of my heart because of various reasons peesonal and non. Even the characters are one of a kind to me. 
          I don't know if you have noticed this reading the story, but I like talking about body issues and self confidence as well as supporting positive body images. 
          I don't know if I portrayed whatever I was aiming for right, but I do hope that the messages reached through and I am working harder and harder to improve myself every day. 
          I also enjoy positive friendships. I like the fact of having people by your side to help you through whatever you might be going through and those who are willing to help you be the best version of yourself, like what Claire has in the story. 
          She was lucky enough to have some pretty beautiful friends which does not happen to everyone, I know! But still I hope it does and I hope I myself can be one to whoever needs a friend. 
          So if you ever feel like ranting about anything feel free to talk .. I don't know you to tell anyone about it and I don't hold grudges I am just happy to talk to you guys. Ok? 
          All the love, Camila  


Do you know how much Plastic misuse and how much throwing plastic in trash rather than recycling it can harm us and our oceans with it's creatures and marine life, birds and animal! 
          You go look this up now and know more about how to stop this from happening and how you can contribute in stopping the plastic pollution to save the planet. 
          This story "Into The Deep" is my contribution with @natgeo on @wattpad  to help raise awarness and deliver which I hope is a self explanatory image of how bad this affects our oceans in a fun and easily understandable way. 
          You can write your own story too and publish it on wattpad using the tag #planetorplastic 