
I’m back! Sorry for being gone for literally 3 years, I’ve been through a lot and just completely lost touch with my writing and got too busy with school. About to post the newest chapter to Naruto’s Prophesied Princess! Chapter 22, when the Sound ninja attack Team 7 and the other teams help!


@springlover7 OMG I MISSED YOUR BOOK  im glad your back i literly squeeeled like a pig rubbing my eyes seeing that you did update your book is number one from my fav narutofanfics


Welcome back dear author! No worries it’s totally understandable that you are a busy person, so I’m more grateful for an unexpected update after a long time ^-^




@springlover7 is anything wrong are you alright did something happen again


@fluffypuff254 sorry for the wait, by the way. I've been very busy with work lately. I'm trying to finish this chapter as soon as possible


@fluffypuff254 aaalright then, be prepared for my longest chapter ever then 


When is your next update im so excited 


@fluffypuff254 Alright, I don't want to spoil anything, so all I'll say is that I've actually considered all of these butttt some won't work with stuff I'm planning and I haven't fully decided exactly how Natalia will be spending the time skip, there's a LOT to it... I really really love and appreciate the ideas and recommendations though!


@fluffypuff254 cant wait @springlover7 take your time the longer the better it will turn out  i wanted to give an idea but its your choice entirely.
            - when sasuke leaves the village can nataila and him stay in contact and still see each other in secret and natalia learn sage justu in the 3 year time period ( teen pregnacy age 15 since they are horny wolves in heat ) and since she knows medical ninjustu will she be with naruto and pervy sage jiraya im curious and cant wait.


Currently working on it, should be posted within the next couple days <3


I’m back! Sorry for being gone for literally 3 years, I’ve been through a lot and just completely lost touch with my writing and got too busy with school. About to post the newest chapter to Naruto’s Prophesied Princess! Chapter 22, when the Sound ninja attack Team 7 and the other teams help!


@springlover7 OMG I MISSED YOUR BOOK  im glad your back i literly squeeeled like a pig rubbing my eyes seeing that you did update your book is number one from my fav narutofanfics


Welcome back dear author! No worries it’s totally understandable that you are a busy person, so I’m more grateful for an unexpected update after a long time ^-^


I don’t remember the last time I read something of this magnitude. You’ve created a masterpiece with this. 
          You’re a wordsmith! I’ve never even heard of half the words you use, and yet I seem to understand every single one of them! 
          Some people think that writing on computers is easy. But I know how difficult it is to come up with ideas and turn them into meaningful and interesting content. Never give up, bro!❤️ 


I wonder when you'll update next hehe乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ