
;  sorry for any delayed replies -  
          	playing around with themes while i work on my muse 


;  alright gonna replay bg for a while, hopefully that will help me get some muse for my girl :/ 


"Should I be concerned that you're cold?" The Shadowlands had everyone acting on edge... everyone except Shadowheart.


Shadowheart sighed. Would it be wise to admit why she wasn't frightened here? Many feared her goddess and were poisoned by the lies of the Moon Witch. "It's interesting, isn't it? Not even the moonlight pierces this darkness..."


            her eyes narrowed, her brow creasing in thought as if she were trying to visualize it. but rather than the comforting embrace she only felt the darkness creeping in, its depthless shadow trying to smother what little light they had left. she shook away the shiver that crawled up her spine. "s'pose that's one way of looking at it," she murmured, rolling back her shoulders. "can't say i had many blankets try and kill me as a child but that's just me" 


"The darkness has always been a comfort for me. I know that might seem strange. Think of it like a that covered and soothed you as a child."


"Oh, I was just singing an old Elven lullaby... My mother used to sing it to me."


"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've always found singing to be a great communal activity. I remember I used to beg my older cousin to sing it for me when I was sent to live with him and his parents." She gave a bittersweet smile at the memory.


            the tiefling would quiet as the verses began to flow once more, crossing battle-scarred arms and leaning a shoulder against a support as she listened...  the aged wooden beam didn't burst into a flames at her heat, but if one were to check afterwards they might catch the faint scorch marks left behind. "damn," she finally said when it ended, her breath leaving in a chuckle. "now haven't heard singing like that in a good long time." 


Darielle smiled and nodded, continuing the next line. "The Daughter of the Night Skies will hold you when you cry, nothing in this world could separate you and I..."


sometimes exploring and seeking treasures weren't always a good idea. with a rotting and dismantling place of worship so eager to fall apart at the slightest of touches. not even rats seemed to dwell there. but the stories were too good to resist. tales of a wish granting creature living within. one that could take the tadpoles out of their heards safely. or help someone regain their lost heart. 
          yet there were no traps or minions. no sign of anything. nothing until the very floor seemed to give way under her. it held on as long as it could before cracibg and caving in to the cellars below. and there it might be. large statue bound by chains around it's neck. the two tetheres to the only standing pillars almost seemingly woven from starlight and the purest of silvers. all for a statue of a demon that seemed far more anchient than the structure itself. 


the chaos she brought didn't disturb as much as it should have. the former demon lord had been trapped so long the only sense of sanity was to sleep. deep sleep. enough to not even stirr at the upper level collapsing. but a voice? the calling tune hadn't been heard there for centuries. slowly moving. as if it was painful to do so little. the slightest tug on the chains would cause a terrible sizzling sound, not that the creature seemed to even feel pain from it anymore. just reminded not to move too far. not even able to fully sit upright with how low they were toed to the ground. eyes seemed void, a solid grey like dark ash. it was hard to even tell if it could see at all. " you're not just some dream again, are you? " voice strained. probably because it hadn't spoken a word for a long time. but there was no mistaking the hum. it was a demon, maybe one far older than rhe ones she has encountered. 
            he didn't believe she was real. it was like an angel. a flame with the smell of his home just fell from out of no where. there was no sign that she was real at this point. shaking off the dust from the horrificly large wings it would attempt to settle again. as if to continue the sleep. covinced she was just a lovely dream and nothing more. 


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            granted,  it was a long shot,  but every other avenue had been exhausted so time it was to turn to fairy tales.  flames skirted about her vermillion skin,  flickering in the vents in her arms and all the while an amber glow pulsed steadily in her chest.  she glanced around the old place as she moved cautiously forward.  she had been so damn careful not to touch anything —the ancient pew she'd accidentally shattered notwithstanding — so it was a shock when the floor gave way.  "oh for fu—" 
            she landed in a heap at the bottom, wincing as she pulled herself to her feet. "ah fuck me... that's one way to get down,  i s'pose," she muttered,  wiping away at the dust and turning her head to crack her neck,  roll her shoulders out.  that's when she seemed to noticed the statue.  slitted eyes narrowed,  and treading now with care she moved forward,  pausing only the pick up her great axe.  "you been down here a long while,  huh?  maybe even longer than this place."  her gaze rose,  gesturing to the place above.  lip curling,  she looked over the statue,  wondering just what she'd stumbled into.  


" throw ash up there too! lots of shinies hidden in there. ash will share if big red one helps, yes. " 


it definitely trusted the tiefling, hopping down as it carefully scurried over to the bag. taking out a very small amount of things before closing the pillowcase. nudging it over. it was giving such a big share. it got the shiniest pieces so it wasn't too sad to see the rest go. " stupid pointy ears was looking at booms and paper. worthless things, yes. " the kobold gave a huff. a little cheeky tut at the fact of having stolen all the goods and got out before the vampire seemed to make much progress of his own. " red skin better off leaving it be. doesn't seem spart to leave all the goodies for books, no. very bad thief. " it sounded so sure and maybe a little too proud for how dimple and small it was. but the creature gestured her closer down. it was only three feet so reachibg was not easy. curiously tapping at the vents on her shoulders. it didn't burn. the creature had very resilient skin so fire was more soothing than a sting. " what's these? never seen accessories like these, no. " 


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            this was taking far too long. she crossed her arms over her chest,  groaning in annoyance as the vampire had yet to show himself.  how long does it take to find some damn evidence?  she had been waiting for what seemed like hours already.  though she perked up at the sound of the small creature.  the house belonged to someone close to gortash,  she didn't care if the little thing robbed him dry.  in fact,  she'd almost be encouraging of it.  "i'll catch you. promise."  she said,  grabbing the pillow case and safely setting it aside in the alley for when he came back. "hey,  you didn't happen to see an elf up there,  did you?"  she asked,  glancing up. "skinny bloke,  white hair, kind of an asshole but in a sorta endearing way?"  a step was taken closer to the balcony to catch the small thing,  already debating about climbing up there herself to give astarion a hand.  maybe that would hurry things along. 


it gave such a mischievous laugh. having managed to sneak in and do its work. snapping at the vampire that was already up there if he tried to take the treasures that it found first. it wasn't long before it came back, peaking over the edge of the balcony. " red one will catch, yes? ash did good! ash found a lot, yes. " pushing the tied pillow case over it trusted it would be safe, going bcak to dig around more while the other was looking fought books and scrolls. pointless to the creature that couldn't read. only coming back with a small bag for homself and a last few trinkets. " now catch ash too, yes. will give lots of shinies to red one. " it was like a little kid who got away with stealing sweeties. more than glad to take a small part of the treasure as long as he got the shiniest pieces. with some hesitation it would drop down. trusting the stranger to catch him. 


" sorry, uhm — I think you took my pack by mistake. the inn keeper put it in the wrong room..." 


" please, no. I'd feel bad. it wasn't your mistake. I was also a bit panicked at the mix up. " that and having to deal with the encounter. thank the gods she was nice about it. it helped his anxiety so much more. but he was out there trying to get better at this. maybe he should at least consider? " or ... the first round and I'll get the second? " maybe it was a little too presumptuous. carefully having managed to gather all his things and put back where he had kept them before. his maps especially was needed to find his way. he didn't get around much so it was a tool needed to be completely aimless. 


            "eh, you get used to it after a while. and having both straps on, that helps," she replied, stepping over to the door to recover her pack. it was heavy but she lifted it with ease as if it were filled with nothing.  she stepped aside so the elf could collect his things.  despite the almost quite literally fiery demeanor she seemed to soften a little,  noticing the slight shy hesitation in the other. "sorry about all this... can i buy you a drink? make up for the mess i made?" 


normally the elf was absolutely terrified of strangers. never working up the nerve to even talk to most. part of him was pondering of just letting her keep his things. it was really a problem. but thankfully she reminded him of a rogue tiefling the elf knew. it made it far easier. " no, it has happened before...I was just worried with how heavy your things are. can't imagine how you carry it all so easily. " he didn't want to steal anything, so carefully he would place her back inside just by the door. not even having opened it. " oh please, it is fine. I can pack all those up. I have a bit of a way when organising if it is okah to come in. " 


╱  just leaving these here  . . .    


||:  i swear every one of karlach's cutscenes have either made me ugly cry or happy cry — no in between
          it was the same night after they'd visited dammon at last light. watched him create her second upgrade and her install it. instead of taking over an unused room, the group decided to camp out instead like usual. already planning a small celebration for the gift karlach had been given. like every night, he was in charge of dinner. managing to scrape something together that was reminiscent of a meal the tiefling had mentioned liking before.


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            it hadn't simply been a spur of the moment thought, a declaration coming from the excitement of having her engine tuned up. she absolutely intended to touch EVERYTHING she possibly could. the smile never seemed to waver from the tiefling's lips as she moved about the camp, chatting with others as she always did but also taking time to run her fingers over the canvas tents, picking up clothes and blankets and pillows and even daring to touch some of the maps tav had lying about. there was always the moment of disbelief as it didn't set ablaze, crumble into ash between her fingers. "oh gods, this is /fucking/ amazing! gale, did you see that? not even scorch marks!" she took a seat on the ground next to him, leaning back on her elbows. "this is the best day," she sighed, relishing the feeling for a moment before something else caught her attention. "what's that you're making?" 