
So, yeah. Almost 2 years since I've updated any of my works. What's happened?
          	The last time I updated any of my works was early March 2021. Due to school, home life and a few other things, I wasn't in a good place at all then, until I met this Russian girl online. We chatted in a group chat for a few weeks before being asked to move to DMs as we were taking up the entire group chat, and we've basically been dating since then.
          	During my 7 month holiday in 2020, I wrote the entirety of my Overwatch fanfiction, most of this Star Wars one, about 6 pieces of music that I still need to finish, and I actually cared about my body and how I looked. That all changed at the start of 2021, and I lost all motivation, care and desire to work, until I met her, when she then gave me a reason to be better.
          	When it comes to the Star Wars one, I'm sorry, but I don't know what's gonna happen to it. I've just started to re-read it because I wanted to remember 2020, but if it's actually like my memory of it was, I don't like what I did with it towards the end. There are several chapters I felt the story would be better of they were just deleted or completely re-written, and I hate how every chapter that wasn't a fighting chapter was just sex. I've got A levels coming up with a lot of coursework and even more work needing to be done for them, and with several other things that have just happened (some good, some bad), even if I wanted to update this story, I just don't have the time to do so.
          	So yeah, I wouldn't say that this story is dead as once I've finished my A levels, I may decide to continue writing it, and just end it quickly. 
          	I'll update you all on my situation once my A levels are over, as it's been too long since I've done anything on Wattpad, but until then, this is
          	Cheese EPIC out.


@cheesEPIC I understand plz do take care of urself may the force (and Overwatch) be with u


So, yeah. Almost 2 years since I've updated any of my works. What's happened?
          The last time I updated any of my works was early March 2021. Due to school, home life and a few other things, I wasn't in a good place at all then, until I met this Russian girl online. We chatted in a group chat for a few weeks before being asked to move to DMs as we were taking up the entire group chat, and we've basically been dating since then.
          During my 7 month holiday in 2020, I wrote the entirety of my Overwatch fanfiction, most of this Star Wars one, about 6 pieces of music that I still need to finish, and I actually cared about my body and how I looked. That all changed at the start of 2021, and I lost all motivation, care and desire to work, until I met her, when she then gave me a reason to be better.
          When it comes to the Star Wars one, I'm sorry, but I don't know what's gonna happen to it. I've just started to re-read it because I wanted to remember 2020, but if it's actually like my memory of it was, I don't like what I did with it towards the end. There are several chapters I felt the story would be better of they were just deleted or completely re-written, and I hate how every chapter that wasn't a fighting chapter was just sex. I've got A levels coming up with a lot of coursework and even more work needing to be done for them, and with several other things that have just happened (some good, some bad), even if I wanted to update this story, I just don't have the time to do so.
          So yeah, I wouldn't say that this story is dead as once I've finished my A levels, I may decide to continue writing it, and just end it quickly. 
          I'll update you all on my situation once my A levels are over, as it's been too long since I've done anything on Wattpad, but until then, this is
          Cheese EPIC out.


@cheesEPIC I understand plz do take care of urself may the force (and Overwatch) be with u


I know this is a bit late (about 2 weeks late by now) but I have now been writing on Wattpad for a year. The first chapter to my first story Doomwatch - Tracer X reader (which was originally called 'Overwatch - Hell on Earth') was written and published on the 14th of April 2020, over a year ago. If you'd told me back then that I'd have over 50,000 total reads in a year's time, I would not have believed you one bit, and the only people I have to thank for me having gotten those reads, follows and likes is all of you, so thank you all for supporting me throughout.
          As for my books currently. I have played through the Ancient God's part 2 several times, but I am currently still doing exams and then 4 weeks of sporadic assesments in school. After that however, I will be on holiday for 11 weeks, technically 14 if I want to, but during that time, I will try my hardest to get as many chapters done as I can.
          As for now, stay safe out there and enjoy your life while you can. This is
          Cheese Epic out.


@cheesEPIC Good to see that you're doing pretty good and honestly im so happy to find that fanfic and im so excited for the prequel!!! Keep up with the masterpieces!!! 


Hello there,
          I apologize on behalf of both me and my apprentice turning one of your stories into a 'base', where we communicate. I understand you are getting like a hundred notifications per day and it is cluttering up your inbox. Unless you muted us already or something. So anyways, I apologize once again. 
          Thank you for cooperating,
          Darth Arnax


@-AnotherRandomNobody na it's fine. It's quite nice seeing you two write. Keep doing it!


this message may be offensive
Ok. I don't know why this is happening to me but I just don't feel like I can write any more chapters to Star Slayer at the moment because I 'don't feel any love for Ahsoka currently'. I know it sounds odd but I find it really hard to write what is technically a love story about a person who I don't feel any love for. I know she is just a fictional character and I shouldn't be feeling love for her but regardless, I currently feel like I just can't. For some reason however, it has just occured to me that I never touched on the Doom Eternal DLC in my Doomwatch, so I will probably be adding a separate ending to that where we go through the events of the DLC, because that imo will be pretty interesting.
          I will eventually get around to adding more to Star Slayer, but when, I just don't know. I'm sorry about that, but it's the truth. My GCSE exams have also just been given a confirmed date of April 22-28 so that's another thing on my mind which I can blame for my laziness. 
          Anyway, I hope that you enjoy whatever book you're reading right now, be it mine or someone else's, and I will see all you dudes....
          IN THE NEXT VIDEO!
          Wait I'm not JackSepticEye, shit. Anyways, this is 
          Cheese Epic out.


@cheesEPIC I hope your feelings for ahsoka change soon


Everyone, after spending a long time away from writing stories, I can confirm that there will be an update to my Ahsoka fanfiction soon. It's been hard for me to do anything recently because of school is such a bitch and I've barely been alive recently, but I will write another chapter to Star Slayer, because the cliffhanger I stopped on needs to be resolved. I will try to get to the end of the Doom Eternal Campaign story in the next few weeks and see where I go from there. Anyway, thank you all for sticking here, this is
          Cheese Epic out.


@cheesEPIC great to hear man. Take as much time as you need to


Are you going to update any books later on in the future?


@cheesEPIC yeah its okay. Honestly your GCSEs are more important so just take your time. Aint going anywhere anytime soon


@Kezza111777 I really want to, just I'm in GCSE year over in the UK and currently I'm so god damn stressed cos my mocks are being thrown around the place and so are my exam dates, syllabuses and everything. Every teacher is telling us different things and so is the government so although I want to, I just find myself either with no time or no energy. I will get around to updating them, just I never have any time to sit and just write. Sorry about these huge gaps. I don't want them to happen, but unfortunately I can't really help it.


Follow me on Twitch at 
          Me and my friends (yes I have friends) play ball related games, mainly rocket league, but if it has a ball or a sphere, be it golf, roulette in GTA, slime rancher or other ball related games, we play it. 
          So hop by and drop a follow to join the Ball Pit and become a true baller.


@cheesEPIC I already did. Lol. A few days ago.


Just for a notification, Star Slayer will still be updated daily and my newest Ahsoka X Reader, will be updated every 1-2 days. I've got a lot of free time to write chapters and I want to get both books on with.
          Cheese Epic out.


@cheesEPIC  is star slayer going to be updated or have your stopped? 