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I doubt anyone will see this but I was sick all day today and my head feels like shit rn and rn my room is too hot but god forbid my mum lets me turn on the ac 


Do you think you can show some love to my new  "Best friends" it's about wdw and I just recently got back to wattpad so I don't get attention anymore. Please spread the word if you can. Thank you! Btw I love your flipping book ❤


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Ok so like an hour ago (it's 11 now) I was spinning in circles cause I was bored and that's what you do when you have a science test the next morning and now an hour later my stomach hurts,I'm dying here, my head hurts and I feel like complete shit
          also I didn't revise at all unless u count the time I was studying a lot last week and did a lot of work
          also we have a test on 3 units, one of them I know really well cause I love biology and pay more attention and the other two we legit had 1 lesson on and I'm gonna fail so fuck me haha