I'm the youngest of three from my moms children and the youngest of four from my fathers children. I'm in my first year of High School, I attend the Waterville Senior High School, located in Waterville, Maine. I'm a Waterville Panther<3 and would never change that, I'm a flyer and a cheerleading captain for the Waterville Senior High School cheerleading team, Go Panthers!! I'm very spoiled I guess you could say, I get almost everything I want, mainly from my siblings though because my parents are poor people. I have an amazing boyfriend, he is beyond sweet, he is truly my one and only, forever and always<3 *03*13*2014* I was born on March 25th, 1999, I was hospitalized when I was 16 months old because I had 3 seizures, the doctors said that I was going to be mentally disabled for the rest of my life due to the seizures, I ended up proving them all wrong, I'm perfectly healthy and have no health problems at all. I have serious anger issues, and I have anxiety and panic attacks due to over-excitement or being very nervous.
  • Waterville, Maine
  • הצטרףMarch 15, 2014


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