
Hello! Okay, this time is real…I will be removing Always You and Choosing you tomorrow. If you’re reading either of these stories, I hope you’re able to finish. 
          	For some more exciting news, I have a new story in the works that I hope to begin posting soon. I am so excited to share this new one with you all. Stay tuned for more :)


That’s exciting congratulations 
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@Mynettiedwp86 For now, they are just on here. Always You will be coming to paperback soon! I hope to have the rest in the series to follow. 
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Hello! Okay, this time is real…I will be removing Always You and Choosing you tomorrow. If you’re reading either of these stories, I hope you’re able to finish. 
          For some more exciting news, I have a new story in the works that I hope to begin posting soon. I am so excited to share this new one with you all. Stay tuned for more :)


That’s exciting congratulations 
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@Mynettiedwp86 For now, they are just on here. Always You will be coming to paperback soon! I hope to have the rest in the series to follow. 
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Hello! I know I have set dates to remove my stories. I have a few people working their way through Always You and Choosing You. I will leave them both up for a little longer while readers finish, but they will be coming down most likely after the new year.
          Thank you all for your support. I can’t wait to share my next project :)


@SLGojk Thank you for being here to read them!
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@areal_16  thank you for the great stories ❤️❤️❤️
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Hey! I just wanted to give a friendly reminder that my stories will be removed from my profile in just under two weeks. If you’re in the middle of one of them, you have until November 26th before it is removed. Thank you all so much for all of your support❤️
          As mentioned before, I do still plan to post *new* stories, one of which is already underway. It will be a bit before it’s up, but I am still working on new projects:)


I hope things turn out for you and good luck with everything. Thanks for letting me know!
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@camillarb5 I am looking at the possibility of other platforms, but for now, they won’t be up for viewing anywhere. I am in the process of self publishing Always You so that will hopefully soon be available on KU with the hopes of the complete series to follow. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this might cause 
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@areal_16 so we will no longer be able to access them from anywhere else ever again?
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It comes with a heavy heart that I have decided to remove my work from my page. This wasn’t an easy choice, but I think it’s best for me that my current work is removed.
          What does this mean?
          ❤️ I still plan to post *new* stories but will no longer have previous work displayed
          ❤️ Always You is in the process of being published, so you don’t have to completely say goodbye!
          ❤️ All stories will be removed by November 26, 2023
          Thank you all so much for all of the love you’ve shown my work. It’s truly been such a blessing to share my stories with you all.
          If you want to stay up to date with my next steps, you can follow me on Instagram - 


Tell us when you punish to ku!
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All my favorite authors are leaving wattpad  what is going onnnnn?! Congrats on publishing!!! 
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Thank you all so much for 50k views on Always You. I am always amazed by the love and support and cherish every single view. Thank you❤️


That’s awesome! Congratulations! 
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The final chapter of Always You has been posted! There is an epilogue that I will post tomorrow or Monday. Thank you all so very much for joining me on this story! I am always at a loss for words at how thankful I am to have such amazing readers.
          As a reminder, Forever and Always will be removed later today. In addition, all the names in Finding You and Losing You will be updated this weekend to reflect the new version of names in Always You. 
          Thank you❤️


@Jesswhite89 You’re so amazing❤️❤️
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@areal_16 it’s been a pleasure! I also intend to give a little more this week on the chapters you sent me too :) ❤️
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@Jesswhite89 Thank you! And thank you for all of your feedback and time in looking at both versions. It’s meant so much❤️
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Story removal notice - and other story changes! I will be removing Forever and Always on August 5th. I know this is super short notice, but I did leave a note on that story. The good news? This story has been completely rewritten and titled Always You. That means if you don’t get a chance to finish it before then, you can slide right on over to Always You and read the new and improved version.
          As for the spin-offs, Finding You and Losing You, the names will be updated to reflect the rewrite of Always You. So, if you’re in the middle of Finding You or Losing You, the names will be switching over this weekend. Those stories will remain the same, just new names. 
          I’m so sorry for all the changes and confusion! 