
Hey pookies!
          	Started crying at work cause I remembered how much my life revolved around miss peregrines home for peculiar children and this account when I was 13 years old.
          	I’m 18 in a few months and omg thank you so much this was such a fundamental part of my life ahhhhh


@_jazzie-ryan_ for real mphfpc was so prominent then
          	  anyhow hi waves c:
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Hey pookies!
          Started crying at work cause I remembered how much my life revolved around miss peregrines home for peculiar children and this account when I was 13 years old.
          I’m 18 in a few months and omg thank you so much this was such a fundamental part of my life ahhhhh


@_jazzie-ryan_ for real mphfpc was so prominent then
            anyhow hi waves c:
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          I love making little trips back here omg it’s so fun I miss this account so freaking much. 
          Anyway I’ve decided I’m most likely gonna be continuing one if not both of my MPHFPC fics cause I’m bored at the moment. There will be a massive shift in the quality of writing cause I was twelve when I started them and I’m seventeen in three months. I will not be rewriting them cause that sounds awful tbh.
          What spurred this was the season two finale of Yellow Jackets and how much I love Ella Purnell.
          I am so extremely gay for every single woman in that show (I want to kiss Van on the lips)
          Anyway lil life update:
          IVE GOT A BOYFRIEND ‼️‼️‼️
          He’s super great and I’ve liked him for ages and yeah it’s awesome he’s really lovely.
          I also have a tattoo on my hip now
          Anyway by lovers one of the fics will be updated within the week xxxx


I'm going for my licence in three days and I'm fricken terrified help!
          Also hi how y'all been lmk what your up too! It's been a while since my mphfpc days


good luck!! I’m 18 (19 in dec!) and I still don’t have my license…
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Every single time I'm alone with either of my parents I just feel the urge to come out to them, even if it's the worst possible idea ever cause they hate gay people, but like the sheer will power I have to not break the silence in the car when I'm with my mum is insane


@_jazzie-ryan_ that sounds rough, I'm sorry you've got to go though that. I hope you find people who accept you and let you be who you are. I am here if you'd like to vent or something. Good luck with everything 
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how funny would it be if I decided to write mphfpc fanfics again… hah that would be crazy…….unlesss


No bc that would actually be so fun
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