
WMB is out now, Chapter 43 , Do read it.. 


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I thought to ignore this but I have to vent it somewhere.. How cruel can the people be.. I'm talking about the famous case that happened in Karnataka. 
          Like apparently a Superstar  who is worshiped as a Demi God by his fans Brutally killed his own fan cause that fan commented against his mistress in insta.. And that fucking mistress she is such a BITCH .. Poor guy just got killed cause of comment, That guy was going to be a father he was the bread winner of the family.. The audacity of the actor and his mistress.. 
          That's why we people need to find out the difference between reel and real.. Our fav's are not what they show us.. They are different persons.. So don't dedicate your precious time on them.. Atleast don't disturb your mind because of their personal stuffs... 


@Winsa121 I saw it and was literally shocked....


wthhhh, and still those fans will worship him blindly 


Hey author...I read You & Me now only...My fav tolly movie which I first saw..that's close to my heart is Darling It's nice and fresh to remember the story again after a long tym..But the changes and your narration is too good! Expecting a closure for this story! When will you complete the remaining chapters ?? Plz try to asap..eagerly waiting.


@Dharanidevi Thanks for the appreciation luv.. Next update of WMB on Thursday


@Dharanidevi waiting for your next update on are doing a very good job and your dialogues are on point...


@Dharanidevi  Thank you for reading it.. Actually I shelved it cause it wasn't getting the response ( votes and comments) and the dialogue writings took long time then needed. It has only 2 chapters remaining.. And WMB has 4/5 chapters more.. So I'm gonna complete both of the simultaneously. But as of now I'm focusing on WMB


I want to thank you phi for your stories I love this story we are meant to be I always appreciate your work U are one of Wattpad Writter who says English is not my first language and creates masterpiece I  always love your stories and I will always Support you 


@SwatiPasi Ohhh thank you so much luv.. This message of you made me so happy.. Thanks for the support ლ(◉❥◉ ლ).. I will do my best to write more best stories for you guys


Guys This is serious, Everyone Seriously listen to One thing the only ship that now taking twitter by strom in None other than our beloved #Melodi ( It's Modi ( Indian PM) and Meloni ( Italian PM) ) hahaha.. International level shipping.. 


@Winsa121 they are viral couple in Instagram and some indian also said that to Don't make videos like that cuz modi ji will banned Instagram like tiktok lmao


@Samr3_3n22 Actually I have seen few videos in YouTube and it's really funny.. People are making a ship out of it and Meloni is making videos... Hahaaha


@Winsa121 @Winsa121 haha i saw that, they used the hashtag #melodi lol you know i commented on modi ji's x post. That comment was : I'll not say anything, warna mujhe jail jana padega lmao. Did they see those Instagram Melodi memes?


Guys I'm writing WMB, But I'm having really  really very wild 18+ plus thoughts for My Nemisis ( my other story).. My mind is not letting me focus on WMB
          ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶..Somebody encourage me


@Winsa121 misunderstanding would be better with jealousy banters with heavy smut, but no toxic please, hurt by misunderstand is okay but with toxic relationship not okay at alll


@DeepEr764 I'm Just confused whether to make it a little bit of toxic, Heavy smut story or a sweet enemies to lovers storyヾ(^-^)ノ


@Winsa121  Hey I know  they are babies  .. Well we usually imagine how I'm gonna continue and how I'm gonna end the story right.. In that process I got that thoughts.. Not when they are babies... You are funny(≧∇≦)/