
Interesting Wish Chapter 9 has been updated


Hehe. (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و Hiya. 


So I've been updating every two days, is that a good schedule? I'm working on chapters ahead of time so as to stay on schedule and trying not to update so soon so I don't run out of chapters too fast. As of right now I'm working on Chapter 12 but I believe only up to Chapter 8 had been published. Is that okay for everyone? I'm just making sure because I don't want to run out of chapters so soon in case I get writers block lol. 
          Please let me know. I'd really like to hear your thoughts!


I'm thinking about rewriting My Sweet Encounter and Love is a Homicide. When Interesting Wish came out they were put on hold and have ever since not been updated. After I'm at a more stable point in the Interesting Wish rewrite I will try and see if I rewrite those as well.


@CreepyPastela Thank you very much!! You're writing is amazing as well! I'm really loving your story so far