
Am I the only one who things Steven Hyde and Billy are alike


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
So I see you ugly ass want to come on my page and talk shit yet I see you doing nothing and bitch I'm not fuckin a 11 years old come on my page again you fucking raistis mother fucker dont come on my page again white man having ass you don't know me and danm sure don't want to get to no me after that shit you just pull but if you really mean that shit you talking let me and my cousin come see you real quick bitch don't come on my page again 


@goemother then gtfo of my conversations. Don't even replie then bitch. Damn 


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@goemother leave me the fuck alone


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If you wanna throw hands. Dm me and I'll send you my fucking address, I will beat your ass first hand you ghetto ass bitch


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
So I see you ugly ass want to come on my page and talk shit yet I see you doing nothing and bitch I'm not fuckin a 11 years old come on my page again you fucking raistis mother fucker dont come on my page again white man having ass you don't know me and danm sure don't want to get to no me after that shit you just pull but if you really mean that shit you talking let me and my cousin come see you real quick bitch don't come on my page again 


Stranger Things takes place in 1985, not 2019


@kennedyfway I think don't matter  let get the time period right people