
          	Wonderful Wattpadders! 
          	I'm here to tell you about something new and exciting. editorsUNITE has expanded. It has a website. Awesome, right? Don't worry, just because it says it's own website, it will not be leaving Wattpad anytime soon. This site is for the age of future/inspiring authors. The site includes tons of different features, ebooks, forums/dicussions, debating chat rooms, contest and much more! If you think this sounds interesting, come and join!


          Wonderful Wattpadders! 
          I'm here to tell you about something new and exciting. editorsUNITE has expanded. It has a website. Awesome, right? Don't worry, just because it says it's own website, it will not be leaving Wattpad anytime soon. This site is for the age of future/inspiring authors. The site includes tons of different features, ebooks, forums/dicussions, debating chat rooms, contest and much more! If you think this sounds interesting, come and join!


Happy New Year TunesINK Fans!! This is Nik Nik, and in addition to wishing you a good year in 2012. I have to other things for you. 
          1. Tell us your resolution. Leave a message on our message board and we'll tell you ours.
          2. TunesINK Newsletter, TunesNEWS is now up an running. Go bump it to the top of the discussion list. Post your favorite songs. Talk about a concert you been to. Tell us if you ever meet an artist or a band. Give us a link to your YouTube channel, maybe will get some music from there. Help us out. Give us some suggestions on how we can better your experience here at  the TunesINK Studio. Give us some feedback. Tell us how you feel. We appreciate any and all suggestions and we'll take them into consideration. :D If you have any music loving fans than direct them here. Tell them all about us. 
          Here's the newsletter link: #Comment_1985188" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Comment_1985188</a>
          Go now!!!! Comment and bump it to the top. We need more music lovers in this. There's tons on Wattpad. I'm sure of it. But it's up to us to find them and get them involved. That's it. 
          ~ Nik Nik and the TunesINK Team


A little Holiday holiday message from the Team Members:
          We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Years!!! :D
          And if you don't celebrate  Christmas:
          We wish you a Happy Holiday. We wish you a Happy Holiday. And a Happy New Years!!! :D
          You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why.  SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOOOOOOOOWWWWWNNN!!!! :O