
Real sorry for being silent once more. Life once again got in the way. I'm gonna get back to writing Monday and hopefully nothing else will make me go silent. If I do again, I'll do my best to warn you guys. Also I'm animating now as my second hobby. So I really am gonna have to balance this out. Keep a look out for new chapters for all stories.


Real sorry for being silent once more. Life once again got in the way. I'm gonna get back to writing Monday and hopefully nothing else will make me go silent. If I do again, I'll do my best to warn you guys. Also I'm animating now as my second hobby. So I really am gonna have to balance this out. Keep a look out for new chapters for all stories.


I'm at work at the moment. But I can tell you that the next chapter for Soldier From London will be posted next Monday. 


@TheEtherial Okay I lied, the chapter will be a little late, unfortunately. :( I will try to post it tonite ASAP. So sorry bout that. 
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I'm curious, so I don't see myself as a fantastic writer. Yet Harbinger Rising is close to hitting 15k reads in who knows how long. What did I do to write such a popular story? Can I repeat it? Let me know what you guys think. Be honest about it.


Hey buddies! It's been a long while since I last posted something on here. I'm at work as I text, so I'm not writing at the moment. But I wanted to let you fellows know that sorry for being silent as I posted the latest chapters for Season 2. The 6th chapter is coming on well, I don't have a release date for it, but hopefully, I will be finished with it soon. Thanks for reading my stories fellows, really means a lot.


Happy 2023 everybody! Season 2 of the Harbinger Saga is coming along pretty well, as is my other projects I'm working on here on Wattpad. Even though I don't have an exact date as when it will arrive. Just know it's arriving soon!