
Hey guys! I just opened a new book, Ship Requests! Go check it out and request something because I'm bored and have writer's block. :)


Join @-dxlans roleplay guys, there's still some roles left to fill and it'll be super fun! :D


You're welcome! :)


thanks for the shoutout! 


Read this story and tell me what you think.
          A man, the captain of a ship in the US military was following direct orders from the US government. Conduct chemical experiments on the crew members of his ship. The US government assured him that they would have no effect on his crew. Many decades later, he commited suicide, feeling responsible for the deaths of his crew members that he had kept up with. They died an early death because of his (ordered by the US government) actions. 
          One of those men was someone's grandfather, whom she only saw once or twice. The only thing she remembers of him is feeding the parrots and that he was always sick, fatally sick. He died when she was five. 
          The experiments also did something else. On the radioactive ship that was sent into the waters of nuclear testing, deemed clean, was the girl's grandfather. There he remained for two years. The radioactivity mutated his DNA, and that mutation was transferred to his son, then his son's daughter, who was his granddaughter who didn't know her grandfather very long. Her DNA is altered by the captain's actions many decades ago. 
          Who is to blame?


Does it look like I'm taking over the world?


From what I thought would be that their mutation(s) activate one day ~somewhere between the ages of 10 and 19~ some people find out even thou they tried to hide it and try and help them but a few of the people that find out betray them but they find a way for world peace,famine, and diseaseor if you want a dark ending have all of the people betray them and the mutations develop further and became destructive and they take over the world 


What would you say is the right direction?




@defmancool Yes I will admit that times have been hard recently and I seldom had insparation to write, but now things are much better and I'm currently working on writing a book. Thank you for your concern though! :)


Oh ok I thought something else happened a lot of I’ve lost the will to write has happened as of late


@defmancool Hello! I admit that I have been quite inactive as of late, but I plan to turn that around. I am currently making many changes to my account. :)


Today is September 11. There isn't much to say of this fateful day, what happened was so tragic. The people who lost their lives to the terrorist attack, we will never forget your unfair deaths. The brave souls who's plane was hijacked, and them deciding to take it back over and land it in a feild, we will alwats honor your sacrifice. And to those first responders who stepped up and searched the fallen towers for bodies and survivors, we thank you for your hard work and service. The day of 9/11 will never be forgotten. Thank you.


Yes, I feel like those people disrespect what happened that day. It's unjust. Thank you for also being respectful towards this day.


            I can tell you are appreciative and respectful.
            Unlike some certain annoying people