
Another SHINee album coming out on February the 19th!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD 
          	SHINee FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 xxoo
          	샤이니 노무 사랑해!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ni hao ! (mandarin. hahaha )
          you're welcome :)
          i just heard that song in seoulfm. yeah. it's sad. 
          really?!? thank youuuuu~
          have you read her books? they're amazing!
          you're right! at first, i dislike him because of his looks in the Lucifer music video but now... i like him! hahaha :)
          jonghyun is part of SM THE BALLAD with kyuhyun,jay and jino . jonghyun is amazingggggg~ .
          oh.. its SANA. typo. sorry :D
          I'm just days OLDER! I turned 16 last december 26! wow! 1st year college students are 16-17 years old :)


annyeong~! here's the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/33759/i-do-do-you-key-oneshot-you
          it's in english. before joining wattpad, i wrote fanfictions in asianfanfics.the whole time, i though it was really the kagebunshin technique times 2 times 2. then i saw a post on facebook, and it was different. hahaha
          I watched live performances from her and she can really hit the high notes!
          I hope so. I wanted to be in a good university. oh really? good for you ! i want to have one too. but since I'm not in Manila (capital of the Philippines), there's a small chance that some schools will teach korean language. Thank you for the words! now i know some :)
          She's my favorite writer! my friend and I, we're addicted to her stories. and we're excited for CITY OF BONES the movie !
          everytime we do that, we're laughing because maybe someone could hear us and think of us as crazy people. hahaha
          one of my favorite SHINEE member! he's my crush. hahaha :) All SHINEE members were gifted with such dancing talent. :)
          you can say it liked that or like this "Sama makausap kita sa lalong madaling panahon" (I hope to talk to you soon)
          btw, how old are you?


Annyeong ~! :)
          Yup. and she's way better than me in writing . hehe
          I once wrote a story at Asianfanfics about key and a girl and onew's role there was reading a chicken magazine. he's soooo addicted to chicken , like me! :)
          NARUTO! you know the clone thing of naruto? in our country, it was dubbed in filipino and it was "kagebunshin technique times 2 times 2" .. how do you say it in english? :)
          She's a DIVA! I WISH I HAVE HER VOICE T_T
          Next year, I'll be in college. I want to learn korean language !
          Do you know Cassandra Clare? She's an excellent writer! :)
          I have a friends and everytime we want to say something in English, we say it with an australian accent. hahaha. then we're imitating british accent too. 
          THANK YOU TOO ! :)
          yea, it's right.Walang Anuman (You're Welcome)


Kamusta or Kumusta , I think it's the same. hahaha. It means How Are You or Hello. Well, We usually say Hello or Hi then Kamusta . Sure. just tell what you want to know. she's my schoolmate. not my classmate. hehe. I'm a year older than her I think. Because I'm currently in the fourth year high school level and she's in third year. but as you can see, she's better than me in writing stories. she's an excellent writer! 
          Yeah! every year, Eunhyuk improves and he's sooooo.. ughh. i don't know what word to say. he's sooooo perfect !! :) 
          I'm a little bit in love with Anime. I love Hitman Reborn, Gakuen Alice, Hunter X Hunter and moreee.. Maid sama! Hahaha. FICTIONNNN! REPLAYYY! SHERLOCK!!! Most of you fav. songs are my fav. too ! :) 
          Sorry if it's late too :)
          I love reading novels too. :)
          it's like in the Philippines, we prioritize English and Tagalog/Filipino. American English to be specific. I want to learn how to say English words with your accent! 


hey ! annyeong again and again ! hahaha :)
          MERRY CHRISTMAS :) (MALIGAYANG PASKO in our language.)
          oh really?!?!?! YOU LIKE KYUHYUN TOO?!?! YEYYY~! its nice to know another gaemer. i have a friend who's from Australia too but I forgot her name. hehehe. ohh. i'm just in the average level of english skills. hehehe :)
          i'm watching SHINEE music videos again and also live performances and i just love TAEMIN. hehehe :)
          I love super junior songs, of course, but as of now, my favorite is ONLY U by Super Junior, ONLY ONE by BoA, HEAVEN by Ailee, I WILL SHOW YOU by Ailee and SONG FOR YOU by Super Junior. How about you? :)
          You know Nichole, right? she's my schoolmate. and she's an excellent writer ! :)