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Hey everyone sorry for not saying anything recently but I have been going thru a lot recently firstly I'm now engaged to my gf of 7years,but afterward let's just say a annoying abusive prick from our past showed up and we've been dealing with that.However I'm currently in the hospital after getting ran over by said prick.Yes charges were filed and yes I'm sueing.So yeah I've been having a cyclone of things happening but thankfully I should be getting releaseds in the next day or two then I'll be back home and back to writing and once again sorry for no update just the reception in this hospital is ass and had to get a lot of shit situated.


@Ronoric_The12Demon That’s crazy man. I hope the guy didn’t see you guys thrown in jail for life for at At least 50 years or something, Glad to see you’re still OK so you just rest up and get better soon You’re lucky enough to survive that


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@Level_Zero_Bitches Ah few things....
          	  1st:Yeah you're Giant ass was literally throwing him like a fucking toy,definitely made me laugh even if it did hurt to do so.Tho also gotta admit Allie would've 100% caught ah body if the police didn't come in time.....he really be our little psychotic buddy.
          	  2nd:Fuck you.....I was gonna argue about the kid thing,but honestly I can't really say shit cuz you right and also know how Sally is.....Pray for me.
          	  3rd:For anyone wondering he and I ain't related by blood,but bro has been with me thru so much shit he's basically my brother same with some of our other friends.We're just ah group of fucked up sons of bitches that aren't related by blood,but thru sheer Stupidity & Bullshittery.


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@Ronoric_The12Demon I fucking love the fact that he was stupid enough to get out of the car to laugh at you with Me,Damien,and the boys around.We fucking ragdolled his ass while Sally made sure you were alright.....Fucker is lucky the cops arrived before Allie got his turn cuz little man would've left him looking like some shit out of Silent Hills knowing his sadistic ass....
          	  Also @Abhi_Lupus @Gahiji3 @IronGodAuthor ya'll don't need ta would bro did get fucked up by that car,but he got his Fiancee with him.She's taking care of him and promised that when he was back at 100% she'd reward him for being their for her and protecting her from the fucker all these yeah I'm expecting ta be ah Uncle within like the next year knowing them.


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Hey everyone sorry for not saying anything recently but I have been going thru a lot recently firstly I'm now engaged to my gf of 7years,but afterward let's just say a annoying abusive prick from our past showed up and we've been dealing with that.However I'm currently in the hospital after getting ran over by said prick.Yes charges were filed and yes I'm sueing.So yeah I've been having a cyclone of things happening but thankfully I should be getting releaseds in the next day or two then I'll be back home and back to writing and once again sorry for no update just the reception in this hospital is ass and had to get a lot of shit situated.


@Ronoric_The12Demon That’s crazy man. I hope the guy didn’t see you guys thrown in jail for life for at At least 50 years or something, Glad to see you’re still OK so you just rest up and get better soon You’re lucky enough to survive that


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@Level_Zero_Bitches Ah few things....
            1st:Yeah you're Giant ass was literally throwing him like a fucking toy,definitely made me laugh even if it did hurt to do so.Tho also gotta admit Allie would've 100% caught ah body if the police didn't come in time.....he really be our little psychotic buddy.
            2nd:Fuck you.....I was gonna argue about the kid thing,but honestly I can't really say shit cuz you right and also know how Sally is.....Pray for me.
            3rd:For anyone wondering he and I ain't related by blood,but bro has been with me thru so much shit he's basically my brother same with some of our other friends.We're just ah group of fucked up sons of bitches that aren't related by blood,but thru sheer Stupidity & Bullshittery.


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@Ronoric_The12Demon I fucking love the fact that he was stupid enough to get out of the car to laugh at you with Me,Damien,and the boys around.We fucking ragdolled his ass while Sally made sure you were alright.....Fucker is lucky the cops arrived before Allie got his turn cuz little man would've left him looking like some shit out of Silent Hills knowing his sadistic ass....
            Also @Abhi_Lupus @Gahiji3 @IronGodAuthor ya'll don't need ta would bro did get fucked up by that car,but he got his Fiancee with him.She's taking care of him and promised that when he was back at 100% she'd reward him for being their for her and protecting her from the fucker all these yeah I'm expecting ta be ah Uncle within like the next year knowing them.

Ronoric_The12Demon's ah interesting question for ya'll....
          You die and appear before God who offers you a chance to be reincarnated as one character from a Anime/Manga/LN/Manwha/Etc.However you have to be reincarnated into their world,but you keep all of your memories of the series you have.....Who do you choose?
          My Answer:
          Gremmy from Bleach........all I'mma say.
          What's your answer?


So just out of curiosity do you all prefer stories where I have the OC be overpowered and just chaotic as hell or where the OC works to get stronger?


@Ronoric_The12Demon a  but of both i mean i love a character that works for his stuff other times i love op characters


@The_Modern_Reaper thanks for the heads up man as always Ronoric_The12Demon I look forward to it


Ayo everyone so something just popped into my head while talking with some of the bois.....So in MHA Twice's Quirk allows him to make doubles of people/items as long as he has the right/enought Data on them right.......
          So does that mean if he had the right Data from say someone like Vali or Issei or somebody from a Manga/Anime could he create a double of them?If so then jesus christ that opens a whole nother level of his power,but what do you all think as I don't remember it saying anything about that kind of limitation.All it said was he needed certain data....
          So what do you think?


@Ronoric_The12Demon I mean, I never saw anything within the rulebook of that being in the info of your info chapter so I say pretty much works out and he could probably do it but it’s just I guess but it’s possible he can


@Tr0ller420 Imagine him spawning someone like Anos Voldigoad or Rimuru Tempest in MHA....... X_X RIP the Verse cause even if it's a Tenth their durability ain't nobody in the series even capable of scratching them.


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@Level_Zero_Bitches I agree, we never truly got to see how far into the level of Broken as Fuck it could go into but with its limitations and how strong twice was with it, we can safely assume it can go far in Broken as Fuck


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Hey everyone so I've been thinking about a some things.....
          What would be a story that everyone would love to see?
          Which verse should I do a crossover with?
          Do people want another connected story like how I did The Devil of The Sea & The Nephalem God Story?
          These questions have been bugging me so I decided fuck it let's just ask all of you.So what do you think about these questions what would your answers be?


@Ronoric_The12Demon you could do a one Punch Man, crossover I don’t know which other crossover to crossover it with though


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@Ronoric_The12Demon  hmm well since you asked....
            1st:I wanna see a story with the MC having Supernatural Power but just can kick ass because he's a master Martial Artist.
            2nd:Bro that's fucking easy,do a Highschool DxD X Tokyo Ghoul Story where the OC is part Ghoul.Shit would be awesome and everyone fucking knows it.....and hell you can have Eto in the Harem.....enough reason right there. 
            3rd:Bro that would be kinda awesome,like having Diablo's Son from the True Heir of Lucifer Story go to another world because he's being summoned by Alex from The Nephalem God Story to help save a world or something....that would kinda be awesome.


Hey, in the devil of penance story, you jump from chapter 74 to chapter 79


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@Shadow_Hunter_Alpha  ....Fuck..... Thanks you for pointing that out to me


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Alright....this is gonna be a bit of a different thing for me to say but it is VERY IMPORTANT!
          Recently I had someone who I won't be naming out of not wanting ta deal with more shit begin talking shit regarding me having the MC for The Heavenly Dragon of Supreme Dominance being a child of a Mixed Race Couple,IE a Asian Father & Black Mother,this person proceeded to for and I shit you not the passed THREE FUCKING DAYS spam the hell out of me saying it was wrong.That having the mother be a skilled fighter being racist and calling me a variety of racially charged insults.
          Now I want this made clear I don't give ah fuck what color your skin is,where you are from or descendant from,what religion you follow,or what you identify as.Cuz quite frankly it's not my fucking problem nor does it effect me in anyway I have relatives and friends who are all apart of the LGBTQ Community and as a a 24 Year Old White Bisexual Agnostic Male I really couldn't give ah damn about any of that crap.
          This person also proceeded to go on about my other stories involving characters who are Gay specifically the Devil of Penance with Gasper X Crona & The One who Surpasses Heaven with Gasper X Zerofuku.Calling it disgusting and saying some fucked up shit......*Sigh*Look if you do not like that type of stuff then just fucking leave cause I'm not gonna bend over to accomidate your bullshittery.I'm doing this for fun and that's all because I enjoy writting these stories so sincerely from the bottom of my Demonic Fucked Up Heart please  Fuck.Off with your Bigotry.
          *Sigh*And for the vast majority of you who are chill & not being fucktards about this I sincerely thank you.Sorry but I just needed ta say this cause it sincerely pissed me off hearing this crap and yes I reported the asshole as well as blocked them.


@Ronoric_The12Demon nvm i read the rest of your text and found it please ignore my previous text 


@Ronoric_The12Demon also asking for a friend~  but which book have mc x gasper? Ofc im asking for a friend yup not me


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@Ronoric_The12Demon you know What would be funny? If you spamed ''L bozo did i ask?'' everytime he was racist lol fight fire with a gun baby just troll the fuck out of the racist loser until he gives up thats What i would do but if you dont like this method then simple block him easy! 