
Me: *Listening to my Playlist* 
          	Me: *Hears I song I incorporated into a fanfiction*
          	Me: Hey! I wanna read and continue that fic because it's already partially posted on Waitpad and just like pretty much all my fics, I forgot it existed! 
          	Me: *Opens Google Docs*
          	Me: ..............
          	Me: .....Wait. What was that fanfiction named?
          	The struggle is being an adult fam fic author with a full time job is real -_-


Dude, I have never heard of a Phineus and Ferb fic before, and I didn’t know I ever wanted one until I saw yours. I am so intrigued, can’t wait to read it 


            Can't wait to see if you like it! 


Me: *Listening to my Playlist* 
          Me: *Hears I song I incorporated into a fanfiction*
          Me: Hey! I wanna read and continue that fic because it's already partially posted on Waitpad and just like pretty much all my fics, I forgot it existed! 
          Me: *Opens Google Docs*
          Me: ..............
          Me: .....Wait. What was that fanfiction named?
          The struggle is being an adult fam fic author with a full time job is real -_-


Hello! I read your story 'Dealing with Depression' a while back when covid-19 started, its an amazing story and even though the story is a bit dark, i've become attached to it, the grammar and storyline is just *chefs kiss*, tho i was wondering if you'll ever update the story? people who read that story(including me) are wondering what happened next, no pressure tho, take your time! And please tell us if you're not gonna update it anymore, stay safe <333


Hi. I noticed u r a redhead and have glasses and like music. Are u secretly my twin?


Ahhhh oki dokie loki


            Well I'm using contacts more now since the mask fogs them up. That a really old picture. I find I have lots of doplgangers in the internet


Wow. I'm re reading a fic so I can keep going, and I am cringing so hard! I can't believe I ever left out so many commas! And the flow is just so dry and awequard, how did anyone ever read that?
          Glad I improved, but still!


@RainbowDash120120 don't sweat it. grammar doesn't come easy to everyone. I've had some times where I was writing stories and got annoyed bc my grammar was questionable but I had no Idea how to fix it. not to mention people have told me about comma mistakes I made that I didn't even know existed.


I know what you’re talking about, I felt the same way when I was re-reading my fanfics. I had to change them completely for the sake of self satisfaction.


          I know that I have a lot of unfinished fics and I'm not abandoning them by any means, but I've recently joined a new fandom and a fic I'm writting for that is taking over all of my thoughts and time.
          Another thing, I have recently been extreemly sucked into the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker game and have watched so many re runs of it I can't even. The point of this post is this. I kind of, maybe, sort of, just a bit, really really want to write a fic based off it. I would watch a full run through and take all of the lines and actions of the original plot, but give Link a voice and personality. I just think it will be fun and I can't get writers block for it because the whole story is already there!
          I just want a few second opinions on this idea so... Please and Thank You!


@RainbowDash120120 sounds like fun. personally never was interested in legend of zelda but when I'm not drowning slowly in driving homework and the impending doom that I might not get my license, I'll read it!


Quick change of the original plan, I've started to see if I'd enjoy it and as fun as giving him a voice was, I'd rather see if I can test my writing by having Link be Mute and work around the complications while still holding the story and giving it a charm video agme tec can't. I'm going to be doing this, but would anyone read it?


Hey, are you coming to the year book signing party on the 31st?


Yeah, they sent an invite in our school emails


@Themushroomgoesyeet There's a signing on the 31st?