Follow our other accounts @Sherlock_Psych (SS) and @Freedomfighter12 (Forever18)

SS's Favorite quotes
"Do Good Die Great." - Derek Gerrard

"Live a Little." - Moe Sargi

"It's a Three Patch Problem." - Sherlock Holmes

Forever 18's Favorite quotes

"Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall, there is only now." - Saphira

SS's Favorite shows, movies and books:

Twilight (books and movies)
Psych ( All the above)
The City of Ember (Books and movie)
Sherlock ( Books and TV Show)
Alice in Wonderland (Books and movies)
Friday the 13th Part 1 and Part 2 (Movies)
Bourne ( Books and Movies)

Forever18's Favorite books, movies and TV shows:

Warrior Cats ( books)
Spirit (All the above)
Eragon (Book and movie)
How to Train Your Dragon ( All the above)
Maximum Ride ( Books and movie)
Arrow ( TV Show)
Flash ( TV show)

What to expect from each of us:

From SS: Mystery, Suspense, Vampire, Crime(Ish.)

From Forever18: Animals, Fandom, Supernatural creatures.

We are in no way professional writers this is all in the name of fun and entertainment. Any kind of criticism is greatly appreciated it helps us improve our writing skills.
  • Don't Ask...
  • הצטרףSeptember 7, 2017
