
We are nearing the last chapter of SITW and I hope to release it soon but who knows, I am really busy. 


Any updates on your gt short stories? 


@chuuyas_height I'm surprised I forgot to add a story i write in October. But honestly, if you follow smolgloves on tumblr you can see more updates. 
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@Pikaglove your gt book with the short stories. Your last update was back in August 
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I'm about to finish chapter 12 of SITW. I will either upload it tonight or tomorrow. I will explain my plan more in details later. 


I'm looking forward to it my man
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So I think I'm just gonna go back to a bi-weekly schedule, because not only have I not worked on SITW but I also have another wip I still haven't finished and I'm in a play at my local theatre. I have a lot on my plate right now and I have to try and find a way to juggle everything. 
          Don't be surprised if I have to make an official hiatus announcement in the near future. 


I just wanna let everyone know that June 24th will be the last diary entry I have bigger projects I'd rather do and I have lost my motivation to continue it. Maybe one day I will return to it but for now, dear diary is done. 
          On a positive note, SITW chapter 2 will be up on Friday! 


@Pikaglove I honestly felt my heart skip a beat because I thought you were gonna quit writing
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I have decided to upload a new original story I have been working on. I only have 6 completed chapters but instead of uploading them all at once I will either be uploading it weekly or bi-weekly. Let me know what you guys think? 
          Hope you enjoy 


@Pikaglove writing takes time my guy. It  could take months just to write something depending on my motivation 
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@Pikaglove how about for every chapter that gets released you write a draft for the next one so you'll not fall behind
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@MAGEBAD yes, but I do not have many chapters and I don't wanna fall behind in 5 weeks
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