
I know, I know, I need to update a lot of stories. I'm working on it, it's just hard to get going on them due to a LOT of factors so sorry for that. But hopefully I get a inspiration explosion and can hit it hard like I was doing before with 2-8 chapters a day for a month. Or not I don't know...


Hello my name is Rachel and I see all your story. 
          Sorry if i bother you um you can do reborn as furry fox in another world with system and powers ? 
          If you want i can tell you what powers of the main character will have and also name the name of the main character. 


I know, I know, I need to update a lot of stories. I'm working on it, it's just hard to get going on them due to a LOT of factors so sorry for that. But hopefully I get a inspiration explosion and can hit it hard like I was doing before with 2-8 chapters a day for a month. Or not I don't know...


An idea that might help you with organizing stories you wanna do in the future and stories you might want to do now is to use the notes app or any other where you can write and start making ideas or writing for some of the stories you have to complete and make the chapters bit by bit you don’t have to finish them in one go just write a little of one story and a little of the other and you’ll be able to finish 1 chapter at some point and also if you come up with a new story while doing this you can use this to organize yourself 
          Another idea you could try when making new stories have the first 3 to 5 chapters written out and once you have them upload them 1 by 1 weekly so you can pace yourself and possibly come up with more


@Gacha917 tried that before didn't help, but thank you for the advice


I'm in a weird position right now, a lot of things are kind of happening in real life and online, and it's kind of got me stuck on how to continue a lot of my stories. I have plenty of ideas for new stories, and I know how to start those stories and what I want to do at the beginning of them. But I have no idea how to continue any of the stories I have already started. So to everyone asking me to update this story or that story I can't. At the moment I believe I have 20 to 30 stories I'm trying to update. And with a book log of 90+ stories that are technically in continuation, being stuck on 30 is really slowing me down. Because there are also a few drafts I have that I want to do that I am also stuck on because of stress, IRL issues, and other things. Someone said I should probably put a few books on hiatus and for all intensive purposes. A lot of them technically are, because I can't get to them because I have a list. 
          Another issue is my actual physical health, due to the amount of stress I have been having. My physical well-being actually plummeted a lot, I've had fevers, digestive issues, chest pain, migraines, and other stress related physical issues.


@ Originalsparkstar  I hope and you recover


I know this has been a large and unusual message or post or whatever, but I feel like it's one that needed to be said. I will try to update the stories I've been working on for the last however long it has been at this point. And I'll try to update the ones I really want to update. But a lot of them will be on hiatus, and some of them may be handed off to the writers. With the caveat of I could pick them up and write them again if I want. Both versions will be canon to the story. It'll just be an alternate universe or timeline of said story. If you want to go through the large list of stories and I guess pick one. Message me which one you'd like to try, I believe for now that is all, thank you for your understanding and patience. Hopefully I will get better soon so I can go back to writing cuz, I really do enjoy it. And it almost hurts in a way that I haven't been able to, throw at this point I believe I am rambling so I will just say thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your kindness. And I hope you enjoy any new stories I put out, because I feel like there's going to be more new ones than there are updates unfortunately. And Thank you for reading.


Oh and I know it's 100% pure stress that's not a debatable speculation. It's just fact, but along with the physical stress related issues I've also been having mental stress related issues. Including insomnia, depression, mental and emotional exhaustion, anxiety, emotional breakdowns, mental breakdowns, suicidal Thoughts, lethargy. For those of you who don't know what that last one is, lethargy is the lack of enthusiasm energy and motivation. I've been meaning to take a break, but when the issue isn't something you can just take a break from. You really can't take a break from it, I won't get into my personal life, because that would probably be weird. But it's really not something you can just take a break from, even though I wish it was. I used to write stories as a way to escape my issues but now the stories have become part of my issues. Because I've written so many, that I have an extensive and extreme backlog. 90 to 97 stories, that's how many I need to update, not including drafts. I feel like some of the older stories that I can't really get to. And by older I mean three to four years since the last update, I should probably hand off to someone else. If there is any story that is around 3 to 4 years out of date that you feel needs an update. Message me the title, and I guess I'll let you work on it. Though I reserved the right to continue it as a alternative version of that particular story if I'm able to continue later.


Thinking about selling some of my plots, I've to many to write on my own. Think anyone would want them? Also not sure on prices, may give some away in exchange for credit in the story.


@Originalsparkstar can't afford that with my asian money  


Should I make a new story while I'm waiting for the inspiration to continue some of my other books?


@Originalsparkstar If you want to, plus it’d be your 100th work, that’s pretty cool :P


Was thinking of starting a new story, maybe that would help me think of what to do with some of the other's but maybe not.