
[ heyy!! Sorry for disappearing again, for a really REALLY long time
          	Stuffs been in my mind and I really needed to take my mind off of Wattpad BIG APOLOGIES
          	Uhh here’s some news for you: Object Mentality will be on hiatus for a bit until I’m ready to continue it, but in the mean time I wanna put some effort into more original concepts I have!!
          	Thanks for understanding , you are all the G’s </3 ]


[ heyy!! Sorry for disappearing again, for a really REALLY long time
          Stuffs been in my mind and I really needed to take my mind off of Wattpad BIG APOLOGIES
          Uhh here’s some news for you: Object Mentality will be on hiatus for a bit until I’m ready to continue it, but in the mean time I wanna put some effort into more original concepts I have!!
          Thanks for understanding , you are all the G’s </3 ]


[ I think I should start some other side-books you know? I mean I have that Knickle book, but I think I could squeeze in an art book or oneshot book too!!!
          Ive been trying to keep the amount of books I have relatively low so people don’t have to struggle with finding stuff, but I could maybe add more if it isn’t too much OSKFKTKE
          Also- it’s literally one of the only ways I can keep this account alive pffft
          I disappear for like two months(???) and then suddenly come back and it’s sorta weird so.. 
          maybe some other books could help me interact more and let you all know that hey!! Yeah, I’m still here! And I can see you all reading my stuff (which, thank you <3)
          Signing out! ]


this message may be offensive
[ holy shit the fanfic hit 2k reads this is amazing dude
          I love y’all sm (PLATONICALLY YK) and I’m glad you all the like the fic, it’s been really rocky so far because of my inconsistent updates but you’re all there and are so patient so xoxo AAAAH
          Thank you all so much, can’t wait to see where the fanfic goes from here!!!! 
          Signing out! ]


          I'm planning on fixing the cover again to fix the new artstyle, my style is uh, VERY inconsistent, pffft
          Also, updates are still very wonky due to motivation, but my friends are a huge help in keeping things together so I'll try not to die again!
          Remember to say "mi piace il pene" to a friend (DONT ACTUALLY PLEASE) and have a great rest of your 24 hours!!
          Signing out! ]


          Yep, a new cover for my experiment fic! Hopefully, it has more excellent colours, it was a vast bother just staring at.
          Plus, I plan on making an art book soon! We'll see if that gets done.
          Just some quick news to let you all know I'm not dead! I will see you all soon!
          Signing out! ]


          Apologies for lack of updates, I am not a professional at writing, pffft. Luckily, both the books I have will be updated sometime soon!
          For my experiment AU, I decided I will be adding drawings from time to time! The art style is drastically different from the book cover though as of now, and I plan on updating it.
          Big big apologies again, and hopefully my writer’s block won’t beat me with a stick any longer!
          Signing out! ]


          Oh my gosh, already nearly 100 people have read my fanfic WHERE ARE YOU ALL COMING FROM? WHAT???
          Ty guys tho JENGJTKENCKSFH this is such a surprise to me!!!! Next chapter I’ll make sure to begin the spooky experiments, I don’t want to leave you guys waiting!!!!
          Ty guys, ILY NO HOMO
          Signing out! ]


[ In about chapter 4, they get taken to the lab next morning so!!!!!! Yeah!! ]