
So it’s been a really long time since I’ve been on here. I posted the old drafts for Little Omega cuz there are a lot of people who wanted to see how that story played out. 
          	Truth be told Little Omega is not a story I am proud of. I made that when I was 14 and my tastes and style have changed a lot in the almost 10 years since then. I don’t know if I could ever finish the story but I do want to do right by the people who have stood by this story. If I were to do that everything would more or less change. The title, the characters, the pacing, maybe even the genre. 
          	This isn’t limited to the story either. I want to share my stories with others again and I feel a rebranding is in order. I want to show the me that has grown and I would like you guys to be there to see it. 
          	Thank you for your time.


So it’s been a really long time since I’ve been on here. I posted the old drafts for Little Omega cuz there are a lot of people who wanted to see how that story played out. 
          Truth be told Little Omega is not a story I am proud of. I made that when I was 14 and my tastes and style have changed a lot in the almost 10 years since then. I don’t know if I could ever finish the story but I do want to do right by the people who have stood by this story. If I were to do that everything would more or less change. The title, the characters, the pacing, maybe even the genre. 
          This isn’t limited to the story either. I want to share my stories with others again and I feel a rebranding is in order. I want to show the me that has grown and I would like you guys to be there to see it. 
          Thank you for your time.


Hello, lovelies. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Little Omega is going to get those updates and changes. The bad news is this story will now be on a different site. The first five chapters will still be here But the rest of the story will be moved on over to For the next maybe two hours or so there will be some updates. I hope you enjoy them while they are here.


@G_I_P_Rainbows I love the book so much that I think I fell in love .
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