
Just to let you know you will see previous chapters of my lost spirit story get updated, that’s just me going back and correcting as many spelling mistakes as I can


Are you still working on your stories? 


As for galaxy eyes I believe that one is going to be discontinued, possibilities for a rewrite with that one are a little low


Lost spirit I am, I know I haven’t updated in a while, sorry about that. My Angel I truly do want to finish but I think I’m gonna wait until the manga for MHA is finished so there are no surprises. (I might even rewrite or at least change a few things in the my Angel story)


Can you please update the lost sprit book it’s so good 


Don’t worry I’m already working on the next chapter 


Hey @NeveahAngel13 how are you. I was just wondering if you happen to still be writing your hunter x hunter book. As it’s really good and I would really love to read more 


Okay thanks for letting me know. Also if you do end up rewriting it I’ll definitely read it 


Unfortunately I think I’m discounting it for now, I may rewrite it because I unfortunately I didn’t think the story out very well when I first written it


Are you still alive I miss your work


Yeah I’m alive, what work are you waiting for I think I’m discontinuing my Hunter x Hunter story. I will get to my MHA story sooner or later I’m mostly focused on my legend of korra story, that one I will be updating soon


@neveahangel13 Sooo here's a random question, what do you think of the azula comic called azula in the Spirit temple with azula all but confirmed to be getting her redemption arc.


I didn’t even know that comic existed lol


@Neveahangel13 have you made any progress on the next chapter of lost spirit?


@ROYALMEPLENTY Thank you for the ideas, I’ll give those some thought. One of the other reasons it took me so long is I was trying to think of a name for zuko’s dragon, I wasn’t a big fan of the dragons canon name. Luckily my brother gave me some ideas.


@neveahangel13 I can see where your coming from with Iris being less interesting now, but I personally think you still have a lot of things you can do with that character, like her potentially having growing pains with the world around her, because essentially she was always on the outside looking in, or she could not fully understand what she wants to do with her life because her job for so many years was to watch someone else's life, not too have one of her own, she could have a bit of a mental breakdown because of all the freedom she now has vs the lack of freedom she had, like alot of prisoners do, I know a guy who got out and went to a sandwich shop and just started crying because his brain just couldn't understand having so many options open to him, or if you really wanted to have Korra and Iris to have some conflict of some kind between one another, you could have Iris being a bit too clingy with Korra, because not being able to feel anything for 300 years and finally being able to with someone she truly loves would probably make anyone a bit hands on, I'm just rattling off examples here but the point is Iris is still an interesting character and I can't wait to see what you do with her, Ps I just realized how long this whole thing is I'll just shut up now.


@ROYALMEPLENTY  motivation is one of the problems, sometimes I wonder if people actually think my story is interesting, or sometimes I think maybe people already lost interest after she turned human because the biggest mystery of the story has already been solved. I have tried to write other conflicts between korra and Iris to make it interesting… but they never feel right and just feel like it is shoved in (which it would be so I decide not to)
            So yeah a creeping doubt here and there does slow down the process, it was definitely one of the bigger contributions to this little hiatus
            The other one is just stuff like work


Will the Korra book be continued? 


Yes, that book is the one I am most proud of and there in no way I am ever going to stop writing it until it’s finished


Hey @NeveahAngel13 was wondering are you still writing your killua book as I’d really love to read more 


@NeveahAngel13 I really love how how written it but if you do end up rewriting I’d really love to see what’s different so I hope you can continue it


It’s hard to say, I definitely believe I bit off more then I could chew with this story but I guess we will see what happens, I was thinking about rewriting it


I want more killua


Tell me if you think it’s worth rewriting, cause I will definitely be rewriting a lot if I do


I’m gonna be honest I don’t think I’m gonna continue the story, I bit off more then I could chew with that story for sure. I might re write the story, idk yet.