
Hey guys? In case you can't tell, I haven't uploaded many chapters lately, and I have a good ass reason why... I got Writers Block(AGAIN!) and I got no ideas for my Zoophobia AUs or my Helluva Boss AU, but don't worry, I'm currently working on getting outta my slump!


@Mr-Ripper been there my self for a year. I have ideas just that I'm not good at starting the book. In my conversations post I said that my friend who helps me with this stuff moved about 10 miles away from my and his mother hates me for some reason. It might take me another year to get started on the books agian cuz like I said he helps me with them.


@unlucky_jack1 thanks man, just been hella out of ideas and such. But I also enjoy your Zoophobia AUs aswell(and I'm gonna try and get back onto those again, just outta ideas is all)


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@Mr-Ripper hiya, it's me the unlucky dumbass. I just wanted to say "HI" and that u got this. I love reading your books. 


Hey Rip and Ano, how yall been? Just wanna check on my fellow writer.


@unlucky_jack1 beat depressions ass. Glad to see your atleast alive.


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@unlucky_jack1 Been hell, bills and shit been beating my ass aswell as depression, but I'm slowly beating it's ass


I'm hoping that we can see Loona get brought back to life through some demon magic shenanigans in a future chapter for THHND.


@Mr-Ripper good to know. And I hope everything's been alright.


@TheLambdaRebel107 hey, sorry it's hella late for a reply, but yea, been hella busy and stressed and depressed so yea, BUT I am going to return soon enough 


Hey guys? In case you can't tell, I haven't uploaded many chapters lately, and I have a good ass reason why... I got Writers Block(AGAIN!) and I got no ideas for my Zoophobia AUs or my Helluva Boss AU, but don't worry, I'm currently working on getting outta my slump!


@Mr-Ripper been there my self for a year. I have ideas just that I'm not good at starting the book. In my conversations post I said that my friend who helps me with this stuff moved about 10 miles away from my and his mother hates me for some reason. It might take me another year to get started on the books agian cuz like I said he helps me with them.


@unlucky_jack1 thanks man, just been hella out of ideas and such. But I also enjoy your Zoophobia AUs aswell(and I'm gonna try and get back onto those again, just outta ideas is all)


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@Mr-Ripper hiya, it's me the unlucky dumbass. I just wanted to say "HI" and that u got this. I love reading your books. 


HELLO EVERYONE!!! Eh, sorry I haven't been up to much with my Zoophobia AU's or my latest(and most popular) AU of Helluva Boss... And I bet your asking, "Ano, Ripper, when's the next Chapters comin'?" And I'll be honest... I don't know, shits been a bit tough lately, I been going through a lot these past few months, but don't worry, when I get back up, I'll be back swinging!!! Meanwhile, if you are reading one story and like it, check out a couple I already have out, like my "Finding Sly" story based 3 years after the events of Sly 4 and if there was a different side to the Coopers! (Still a work in progress, but I'm open to ideas!)



                 BEST STORY IDEA CONTEST!!! 
               I am holding a Contest for Best story Idea, To Participate, Just comment that Greatest story Idea you have in your creative noggin! The winners story will be picked and made into a short Story!
          1:) NO NSFW, Sorry but no Smut pls
          2:) Nothing that has to do with copyrighted works. Example: Disney, DreamWorks, or anything similar
          3: MUST BE ORIGINAL, I will do research on all submissions
          And now, like that, Send in your submissions guys!


@unlucky_jack1 ok I have a Idea for this story, I'm gonna make a few tweaks and twists, But Trust me, It'll be Good 


@unluck_jack1 not a bad idea, not bad at all, Lemme do some research and some script writing and I'll see what I can do^^


            Narrator voice: A week before Christmas a family of 4 (including a doggo)  are stuck in the snow in the middle of the woods. A strange creature is hunting them. What is it, Will they survive? Find out if you make this into a book.
            Me: What ya think?


Ano: Hello Hello, Sorry it's taking me some time to write the next Chapters in my stories, I have had 3 of the worst things for a writer(in my opinion.
          1: Writers Block- I have zero ideas at the moment but don't worry I'll post in a month or two
          2: Stress- both with Home and with family doesn't help my writing abilities so hope I can take a me day.
          And 3: Depression- we don't talk about it, but this is the truth... Depression takes a toll on creativity, so send Love and regards friends
          Mr. Ripper: Oversensitive much?
          Ano: I WILL SMITE YO-!!!
          (Seriously guys, don't worry bout me, I'll be back before you know it, Lots of Love, Ano-Writes/Mr-Ripper)


@Mr-Ripper  Jackson will pero después de la guerra de la cual tiene otra personalidad Violenta que ambas quieren a vex o vanexa y se enamoran


@Mr-Ripper your welcome. If you need any advice I'm here.


            Ano: Thanks Jack, We here at My Writing headquarters (AKA my bedroom), thank you for your kind words and thoughtful advice.
            Mr. Ripper: Yea, Not a bad thing ya did there, Thank you