
Thank you very much to those who follow me and sorry very much to those I can't follow back because of I can't able to connect to your respective account. Kamsahamnida everyone


Hi. Sorry for plugging  i just wanna promote my story 'HELLO, I Love You' if you have spare time, you can read it. I can support your story also, that's all thank you
          Tittle: HELLO, I Love You
          Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/297407880?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=MS_YELLOE&wp_originator=kS7eupPwDyxHFrqFOqMXYdpWGIY5P8RM1QSr3yMYpDbC8yxUHQEVVBa3ulNQJCK7ilnQnaFI3elrSTxuy4BRWX9Rrhe0q0N5mkjE2YjWVY%2BGIZ%2FUjolrVqsQah9xh5m4


Uhm hi!How are you?No matter how hard life is...always remember to start your day with positivity. Ask God for guidance to bless your day, offer everything to Him. Tell your self that today's gonna be great. Tell yourself that you are enough. You are loved. Regardless of the mistakes you've done. You're Fine. Everyday you become better. For everything's just passing. Nothing will stay forever! Relationships, valued things, wealth and even our problems—all is just temporary. Let go of what makes your heart heavy. Move on and for today another brand new day. To start. To love again. To believe again. To be happy again! Live. This day won't come again. Yes there are many tomorrow but my friend, believe me or not, you'll never have this day again. Live your life as if it's your last. Just keep breathing. Just keep going. Good morning and POSITIVE VIBES!



“Helper needs help.”
          A lot of us hesitate to ask for help when we are in need. We often deny acepting the reality that we are struggling thus, we never ask for help from our friends and family. In fact, we consider asking for help a sign of weakness because we are afraid of people might judge us. But dear, we also have our limitations. According to David Allen, “You can do anything but not everything.” and it is true. Yes we have different talents, different skills. But despite of, there are really times that we can feel like we cannot already do it. Like we're tired. We really need help. And it's normal. We're all humans by the way. And human as we, we have our limitations. Just humble yourself, accept the reality. Asking for help is normal. You have your family, the people around you and of course...me. We're here to help you. We need help, because not all the time we're strong—we also need someone to lean on. Cheer up! Just don't be afraid. Also, if someone needs your help, don't hesitate your lend your ears, time and talents with them. Because just like you, they also need help. 


Hey so let's talk about salvation.
          Some people okay let's say Christian, some of them telling and preaching about salvation to be Faith + and other stuff like good works, kindness, changes and everything = SALVATION.
          But here is the thing.
          Faith = SALVATION. period.
          Now, where is the proof that you're really into that relationship with God? That you actually willing to serve, glorify, and praise God? Faith = Salvation ➡ Good works
          Always remember that good works never lead you to God, but God leads you to good work. Yes we are sinners but he already paid for it, Salvation is free and it is for everyone.
          "For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have ever lasting life." John 3:16
          "For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing Salvation to all people." Titus 2:11
          God loves you so much and I do< 3
          Please be safeeee


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