
Do you guys know what happened to 'I STAY AWAY // slashers x reader' book? I cannot open it, and when I tried to search up it's author, I cannot find them either. To be honest I am more concerned about the author than the book. What happened? :(
          	That was one of the best slashers books that I ever read... If you guys know anything, do let me know 


@OGlitchtrap_readsO ikr?? That book was apart of my slashers book reading list, and I only add the slasher books that I find the most appealing there.. I just wanted to re-read it, to freshen my memory but I couldn't open it, then it disappeared.. :( I went to my library (rarely do that cause I have 600+ random books and it takes hours for my library to fully load), and with a screen record I was able to get the author's Wattpad account, yet I can't even find its author anymore.. I am so, SO confused and disappointed :c 


@HoneyNectarBee you saying this is gonna make me cry omg i had it in my reading list and now its not in there so im also confused


Do you guys know what happened to 'I STAY AWAY // slashers x reader' book? I cannot open it, and when I tried to search up it's author, I cannot find them either. To be honest I am more concerned about the author than the book. What happened? :(
          That was one of the best slashers books that I ever read... If you guys know anything, do let me know 


@OGlitchtrap_readsO ikr?? That book was apart of my slashers book reading list, and I only add the slasher books that I find the most appealing there.. I just wanted to re-read it, to freshen my memory but I couldn't open it, then it disappeared.. :( I went to my library (rarely do that cause I have 600+ random books and it takes hours for my library to fully load), and with a screen record I was able to get the author's Wattpad account, yet I can't even find its author anymore.. I am so, SO confused and disappointed :c 


@HoneyNectarBee you saying this is gonna make me cry omg i had it in my reading list and now its not in there so im also confused


          how do I celebrate? Watching the movie Slenderman, obviously. (The fireworks were dope though) 


The school sent me home because I have a fever :') 


@HoneyNectarBee aw i hope you get well soon <3


Today my bus driver was like 'I know a short cut' and almost ended up killing all the passengers, me included. I swear Romanian bus drivers have no chill T-T


were you guys driving near a cliff or smth? anyways ARE U OK?


I realized that the first chapter of my slashers book is very, VERY cringe. So, don't panic when you see some slightl changes, because most likely I will rewrite them, go through them and correct them so they will look more decent. 
          Also hi everybody, I'm still alive dw:D 


@_Loomis_ Hiiii:D yes, I'm somehow still alive- currently watching Halloween and movies with Michale Myers lol. Already watched Halloween 1 up to 4 


Omg hi, You’re alive :D


Hello! So no rush what so ever but when is the next chapter of the slasher asylum book coming out? 


            It's okay! I'm in school as well, first year of high school actually, so I know it's hard in what school your in so please take your time! :)


@Emma_Unknown_Tansey hello dear! That's honestly a very good question, because I don't know either! School is.. very stressful at the moment and I need to concentrate on studying more than writing the next chapter. But, in two weeks I'll have a small vacation, and hopefully I'll be able to write again. Hope you understand<3 


Ayo it's October Friday the 13th- 


@pink14444 that's so interesting! People told me Friday the 13th is bad luck day, but for me it wasn't- I took a shower I didn't slip nor find Norman Bates wanting to kill me- I ate food and I didn't choke on it, I climbed a LOT of stairs but not once did I slip, I used my hair straightener and I didn't burn myself- idk for me it was just another normal day xd. 


@HoneyNectarBee i just finished watching Friday the 13th 