
Happy pride month, everyone!!! :D


Hey, has anyone read that wrong number, superfamily fanfic (MCU) where Peter keeps breaking sinks for some reason? I haven't been able to get it out of my head in months now & I can't find it anywhere.


@ God_OfChickenNuggets  Do you remember what it's called or who the author is? I can't find it for the life of me


Hey, is it just me that always manages to find AMAZING stories that I enjoy reading so much but don't have enough patience to finish them?
          Like, imagine being seriously in love with these stories and wanting to know what happens next so badly but for some reason you can't finish them so they just stay in your library for the rest of eternity?
          Not ringing any bells? No? 
          Ok I'll just sulk in my own misery then, forget I said anything :(


          I'm sorry that I take so long to update every time, I'll try to edit some things at Chiristmas and possibly even post, 
          but as much as i hate myself for this, I'm not making any promises!
          And I'm truly sorry to the one who requested a 2nd chapter on that 'Peter Is Worthy' one-shot I wrote, I'm having a huge writer's block on that and will propably not write one, but if I manage to find an Idea for that, I promise to let you know!
          Again, I'm sorry


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@ God_OfChickenNuggets  You need to be a writer in order to have a writer's block as$butt. You, are just a block 
            Also your apologies don't excuse your useless behaviour, like seriously stop apologizing for everything and start actually trying to write shıt, for fuck$ sake wth do you keep starting shıt knowing that you're never, EVER going to finish them, yet still promise to do so?
            You're so unfathomably bad at time management, I might just kıll us 


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@ God_OfChickenNuggets  ON Chiristmas you dumb fuck