
dude who knows if you'll even see this... lol I could've written all this for no reason at all because there is a real possibility that u will never get on this website again. whatever... at least I'm keeping myself entertained


@Branden_Roman BRANDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh and if u are seeing the time this was written and u are thinking why was she up so early, it's because I stayed up all night in my dark room alone that was illuminated only by the light of my phone.... and I read things... I was really lonely all night, actually, cuz there was no one to talk to. wow I'm lame.


Omg. Branden..... This is Jules speaking and I would just like to say: OMG, THIS IS SO WEIRD. I WAS LIKE ON WATTPAD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN, LIKE, FOREVER AND THEN SOMEHOW I CAME ACROSS YOU AND SAID TO MYSELF, "whoa. Branden is on Wattpad and he never told me. Yes, it never came up in conversation, but it's really rude of him to never mention it." THEN I WAS LIKE FUDGE THAT CANDY APPLE LET ME SAY HI!!!!! So hi