
Hi, my beautiful people 
          	Since wattpad isn’t answering my mails, I figured my best option is just to start posting my book again. This way, they are back out there for everyone to read. 
          	I’m sorry for making you guys wait so long with an update, but I was tying to put everything in perspective for myself and decide what I wanted to do further from this point on. 
          	Anyway, I’ll start slowly posting everything and hopefully within a week or so, everything will be available for you guys again. 
          	Thank you for all your support and I have so much love for you guys. Without you guys I don’t know what I would do❤️



Hi  i’m also following you on instagram, and i was wondering if you were planning on publishing the rest of the stories that you wrote, and also if you were planning on publishing new ones. No pressure though. I know writing is a tough job, i myself abandoned a story because i can’t bring myself to write anymore. So i hope you’re doing okay, and that you’re not absent because something is wrong. I loooove your works 


Hi, I’m sorry that I’ve been M.I.A for so long. I am planning on posting the rest of my stories to BTS book. (I’ll try to do that as soon as possible) For now I don’t know if I’ll write new ones though. I’m really sorry about that, but I haven’t given up on writing. I’m just trying to figure out what I want to write about. 
            And thank you for your kind words. It truly means the world to me 


I love your stories! I’m a huge fan. Please publish soon! Im hoping you’re healthy and happy! 


Hi, my beautiful people 
          Since wattpad isn’t answering my mails, I figured my best option is just to start posting my book again. This way, they are back out there for everyone to read. 
          I’m sorry for making you guys wait so long with an update, but I was tying to put everything in perspective for myself and decide what I wanted to do further from this point on. 
          Anyway, I’ll start slowly posting everything and hopefully within a week or so, everything will be available for you guys again. 
          Thank you for all your support and I have so much love for you guys. Without you guys I don’t know what I would do❤️


Hi, my beautiful people 
          You know I write mature content (obviously), but this is clearly stated on wattpad and my book was rated mature. Yet, wattpad decided that I violated their guidelines. I checked said guidelines and couldn’t figure out where or how I could have possibly violated them. 
          This deeply upsets me that my book was deleted by them for no reason. I asked them to show me exactly where and how I violated them. All I’m getting is generic mails, with a couple reasons why they possibly deleted my content. 
          If I actually violated them, which I stroll believe that I didn’t then they should have sent me a warning and I would have deleted certain parts or changed them. Because there is no way, that my whole book was violating the guidelines. I think it’s pure BS at this point. 
          I feel hurt and betrayed by wattpad. It’s like a knife in my heart. I worked really hard and for years and I had around 55 chapters and 1.1 million reads. These are all gone. It’s so unfair. I loved reading all the comments that were made and the bond I had on wattpad with my readers. It’s all gone for something they can’t even seem to prove to me. 
          It’s just all so sad and disappointing. 
          Much love ❤️ 


@Bangtansdiaries__ hmm. Try your best but I don't know if you'll get it back. Because I tried for mine and I did not get any email other than the same email ...


@Bangtansdiaries__ omg no!!! this is so bad!! istg wattpad i would report this frekaing up for it's fudging ways!!! 
            i really loved that book too!! i dont think that book violated any guidelines either!!
            but plz do not be demotivated by it!! you should keep writing books cause we'll keep reading and supporting u!!


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
I’m genuinely so confused I open wattpad and my whole fucking book is gone… this is so fucked up 
          I don’t understand… 


Author  why did you delete your bts smut 


I’m so confused my book got deleted by wattpad 


@jimoaning_daddy  OMG yesss why did u?? i have been looking for it!!! :(((((
            i loved that book and werent even done reading it!!!


Hi my beautiful people 
          I wanted to thank you guys again for all the support you have shown me. The fact that you guys all stood up for me and helped me out with this issue really means the world to me. 
          I extremely thankful for all of you and it warms my heart that I can count on you guys no matter what. Know that I’m also here for you guys whenever you need me!!
          Thank you again and much love from me 


@Bangtansdiaries__ It's sad that people copy other authors works. A person does so much work into them and these people do this. You works r awesome ! 


Reported the user who stole your work!! I'm so sorry you have to go through that- it sucks when someone tries to claim your hard-written word as their own. Sending love to you and hope their work is taken down soon!!  Your stories are incredible btw :)


Thank you so much, you’re the best!! ♡