Writerstogetherforchange storie

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3 storie

Lola family [EN] di LolaFamily
Lola family [EN]di · Lola Editorial ·
Welcome to the community Lola family! Our mission is to help each other through writing, so we can make a difference together. We'd love you to be part of our family #w...
Recommendations  di LolaFamily
Recommendations di · Lola Editorial ·
Stories compilation for a green awareness in English. Disclaimer: these works do not belong to us, but to each author
The Effective writer guide (EN) di LolaFamily
The Effective writer guide (EN)di · Lola Editorial ·
We're all writers. But what separates a writer from an author? The quality of delivery of the material. In this book we cover what you can do to become a better writer...