Ashfeld Opowieści

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4 Dzieła

For Honor: True Darkness autorstwa Hey_Mor_Mofongo2018
For Honor: True Darknessprzez Brazzers Caster
The story of a Warden. A Warden who tried to live his life the best he could. Memories of his childhood still linger, but his duties to his people keep his mind straight...
For Honor: Legacy of Blood autorstwa Hey_Mor_Mofongo2018
For Honor: Legacy of Bloodprzez Brazzers Caster
-Sequel to For Honor: True Darkness- After the war waged by Apollyon ends, each faction begins to pick up the broken pieces. But as each side begins to rebuild, a second...
The Legend of Hervis Daubney  autorstwa walkersandrunners
The Legend of Hervis Daubney przez Curious Tangerine
In an old tavern, located inside of Harrowgate in Ashfeld, is a book. A rather dusty old book, that has a rather faded cover and worn pages. Despite being old, the words...
The Warden autorstwa qwertykeyboardman
The Wardenprzez Nimrod
A For Honor story. A Warden who abandoned the Blackstone legion must make his own way in this world and survive on his own. Co-writer: @GoingDarkDontFollow
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