Harry Styles Fluff one shots

Von Kainotfoundddd

104K 838 275

I'm really excited for this book. Although, I don't know how it'll turn out lol. REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!! Co... Mehr

Scary movies
Bladder problems (Kidfic)
What did you just say?! (Kidfic)
No more tears, baby
Sick, Hazza! (Sickfic)
Food poisoning (Sickfic)
Dentist (Kidfic)
Stressed, tired and whiny
Mummy's baby (Kidfic)
Our tired baby
Harry's tantrum day.....
What is that?
Boo Boos
I want Boo back (Part 1)
I want Boo back (Part 3)
New years
Tornado touchdown?!
Grumpy Harry
Bloody nose
Sick at school (kidfic)
A crush on a guy?!
Harry is sad and the boys help
Growing up
Freak accident
Sick clingy boy (Sickfic)

I want Boo back (Part 2)

1.5K 26 9
Von Kainotfoundddd

Louis-age 25
Liam-age 25
Zayn-age 24
Niall-age 24
Harry-age 20

Harry smiles slightly and puts the note on the bed. He grabs Louis hoodie and hugs it tightly, taking in the scent of Louis. God, he misses him so much.

Harry heads downstairs, already upset and heads into the kitchen.

All the boys were already there, eating their breakfast and chatting away.

"Morning, Haz. How are you?" Zayn asks smiling at the boy.

"Terrible. I miss my Boo." Harry says sadly and sitting on the floor.

He puts Louis hoodie on and pulls the hood up. He want Louis back so badly! He misses him so much!

"I know you do, Harry. I wish we could help. How about we have a fun day? We can do whatever you want." Zayn says but Harry shakes his head pouting.

"I dont wanna do anything. I just wanna cry all day and sit in Louis hoodie." Harry says as his eyes fill with tears.

"Awww, no dont cry." Zayn says hugging Harry, but he shoves him off and turns away from him.

"No cuddles." Harry says.

"You love cuddles though." Liam says, seeing what's going on.

"Yeah, but I want Boo cuddles." Harry says sadly and turning back around to face the boys. He was still sitting on the floor.

All the boys feel so sorry for him. They know they cant do anything to help, until Niall gets an idea. He facetimes Louis. Its 8.20am and 10.20pm over there, but he should still be awake, unless he's majorly jet lagged.

"Haz, come here." Niall says as the facetime starts ringing.

Harry gets off the floor and walks over to where Niall is sitting at the table.  Niall balances his phone against his cup and sits Harry on his lap.

Suddenly, Louis smiling faced answers and he sees Harry. He smiles even more.

"Boo!" Harry yells happily.

"Hiya, Haz. How are you?" Louis asks still smiling.

"Sad. I miss you. I want you back." Harry says sadly and Louis frowns.

"I'm really sorry, bubs. I miss you too." Louis says sympathetically.

Harry starts to cry and Louis cant do anything about it and it breaks his heart. All he can do his talk to him soothingly and hope it works.

"Dont cry, Bubba. I'll be back before you know it. I promise." Louis says gently. He just wants to hug the crying boy, but he cant. It's so hard!

"B-B-Boo, want cud-dles please. I-I-I love you." Harry says through his cries and sobs.

That just breaks Louis heart even more, knowing he cant hug his little baby. Poor Hazza.

"Baby, you know I cant cuddle you, but when I get back, we can cuddle all day and watch some movies." Louis says and Harry smiles a sad smile.

"In your room?" Harry asks wiping his tears away and sniffling adorably.

"In my room." Louis confirms smiling.

"Right, I think its time I get some sleep." Louis says yawning.

"Sleep? But its morning.  Harry says confused.

It's a different time in Hawwii. Its 10.37pm over here." Louis says and Harry nods.

"I'll call you before you go to bed,yeah?" Louis asks and Harry nods, blowing a kiss to Louis and blows one back.

"Love you, my baby boy." Louis says making Harry smile.

"Love you too, Boo." He says and then they hang up.

"I've got you some pancakes!" Zayn says happily and handing Harry the pancakes and he squeals happily.

He starts to eat his pancakes happily still sat on Niall's lap.

Once he was done, he drank his juice and slid off Niall's lap and going into the living room. Thd other three boys followed him.

"Wanna watch sound TV?" Liam asks him and Harry nods.

"Ok, what shall we watch?" Liam asks.

"Phineas and Ferb." Harry replies smiling as he sees that it's on currently.

Liam clicks on it and Harry begins to watch it happily. He loves Phineas and Ferb. He thinks it's pretty funny.

After about three and a half episodes, he gets bored. He gets off the sofa and grabs his iPad from the book shelf.

He climbs back on the sofa and pulls the hood of Louis hood off hid head, so his curls are on show. He then starts to play Roblox again. This time playing an Obby.

Harry was pretty calm for about 2 hours, until nap time. Harry always has his nap at 11.30am-12.45pm. He always has Louis put him down for a nap......

"Come on, Hazza. Nap time." Liam says gently and standing up.

"No." Harry says not looking up from his iPad in his lap.

"Harry, come on." Liam says but Harry just shakes his head again.

Liam sighs, getting frustrated with Harry. He takes a deep breathe to keep calm, but he has trouble keeping his temper.

"Harry, nap time now, please. I'll take you up." Liam says crossing his arms over his chest.

"No! I want Boo to take me for my nap!" Harry yells angrily and slamming his iPad to his side on the sofa. Luckily, it doesn't break.

"Harry, dont shout." Liam says sternly, trying to talk to Harry how Louis would.

"No! I want Boo back!" Harry yells as he starts crying and getting of the sofa. He sits on the floor in the living room and cries and kicks his little legs about. He was too far gone in his tantrum now.

The boys couldnt do anything about it until he tired himself out. Only Louis is able to calm him down from tantrums!

Harry had grabbed all the papers stacked neatly and were organized on the coffee table and thrown them all over the living room. That had really pissed the boys off, but they didnt want to yell at him, because he'll get even more angry and that would just end in pain. Yeah, he gets violent sometimes with tantrums.

After about 15 minutes, Harry had laid down on the floor in a small ball, slowly falling asleep.

"I'll take him up to bed." Liam says quietly and the other two nod.

"We'll start picking the papers up." Niall says.

"I'll help you organize them when I come back down." Liam says as ge licks Harry up with ease and carries him upstairs.

Liam lays Harry down in his bed and gives him Chub chubs and Louis hoodie. Harry smiles slightly and hugs the hoodie tightly, taking in the scent of Louis. It comforted him so much.

Liam gently kisses Harry's forehead and closes the curtains so it's not too bright in the room. He then leaves the room and head back downstairs to help the boys pick up all the papers and organize them.

Harry's dream in his pov:
Me and the boys have just arrived at the airport to me Louis. I'm so excited to see him again! I'm gonna hug him so tightly and never let go.

Anyways, me and the boys stand in front of that gate Louis said he would be coming out of.

"Where is he?" I ask excitedly and bouncing on my feet. I can barely contain myself.

"Be patient, Haz. Planes are very crowded and it can take awhile for everyone to departure from it." Niall says chuckling.

I just keep standing there waiting for Louis to exit.

Suddenly, I see him. I see Louis. I squeal and run over to him with my arms open wide. He stops in his tracks and let's go of his luggage to catch me in his arms.

"BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I scream happily and jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly, laying my head on his shoulder, breating in his scent.

"Hiya, Haz! How are you?" Louis asks smiling and hugging me tightly back.

"I'm amazing, because you're back." I say smiling still and hugging him even tighter.

"Awwww, I love you Harry. I missed you so much." Louis says.

"I love you too, Boo. I missed you so much I even cried." I tell him and he coos hugging me even tighter and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm back now, baby. No need for tears anymore. I'm home and ready for lots more Harry cuddkes when we get home." Louis says gently and I smile I and nod.

"Movies and cuddles." I say and Louis nods, smiling.

He carries me out of the airport with the others. Zayn having to take his luggage, since I'm in Louis arms.

Out of Harry's pov:

Harry jolts awake and looks around his room. Louis!

Harry jumps out of bed a d runs downstairs, excited to see Louis downstairs, except...... he wasn't there.

"Where's Boo?" Harry asks the others who were watching TV.

"Oh, hey, Haz. What do you mean where is he? He's still in Hawaii." Niall says confused.

"Wait..... it was a dream?" Harry asks confused and the others just nod.

"Sorry, Haz. It probably was just a dream." Zayn says and Harry sighs sadly.

"I want him. I want Boo back. I miss him so badly! No words can explain how much I miss him. How much i want him." Harry says sadly and pulls the hood of Louis hoodie up over his head. Yeah, he's still wearing the hoodie.

"I know, baby. Ok, its 12.34pm, so its......10.34am in Hawaii. Shall we call him?" Niall asks and Harry nods sadly.

Harry gets up and goes over to Niall, sitting on his lap once again. He waits for Lluis to answer the call and when he does, he sees Louis smiling and lying on a blanket at the beach!

"Hiya, Haz! How are you?" Louis says smiling at his favourite boy.

"Bad. I had a dream about you and thought it was real." Harry says sadly and wiping his teary eyes with the sweater paws of Louis hoodie.

"Awww, what happened in it, love?" Louis asks.

"Basically, you were coming back from Hawaii and I was so excited to see you. When I saw you exit the gate, I ran up to you with my arms open and you caught me and we cuddled tightly. I was so happy to have you back. You carried me put the airport, while Zaynie takes your luggage." Harry explains.

"Well, I know you'll be like that when I come home. Only 6 more days, bubs." Louis says and Harry nods, looking down at his lap and then back up at Louis.

"6 more days." Harry repeats and Louis nods.

"I gotta go now, baby. Be a good boy, ok? I got a text from Liam saying you had a tantrum, because I couldnt put you down for a nap." Louis sats and Harry nods.

"Sorry." He says embarrassed.

"Its ok, Haz, but I think you should apologise to the others and not me." Louis says.

"I will. Bye bye, Boo." Harry says.

"Bye, Haz." Louis says and then hangs up.

Harry sighs sadly and gets of Niall's lap and stands in the middle of the living room, looking at the other boys.

"I'm sorry, guys. I shouldn't of done that. I'm so silly." Harry says sadly.

"Its ok, Haz." Liam says standing up and picking him up, cuddling him. The other two boys join in with the now group hug.

"Are you hungry? Want some lunch?" Zayn asks Harry, who nods.

"How does a ham sandwich with dinosaur shaped ham sound?" He asks and Harry nods again, smiling.

Liam puts him down and he goes over to sit in the sofa. He takes the hood of Louis hoodie down and decides to watch some more Phineas and Ferb, while Zayn makes lunch.

"Lunch!" Zayn calls a d all the boys get up to walk into the kitchen and sit at the table.

They all begin to eat in comfortable silence. It was nice and peaceful. Harry liked it. Sometimes, even he needs peacefulness.

After lunch, they all decided to watch Harrystyles favourite movie, 'The jungle book.'

6 days later.....

It was 7.15am when Harry was woken up by someone shaking him. He rolls over tiredly and opens his eyes, looking up to see Niall shaking him.

"Come on, baby, you gotta get up. We're going to collect Lou from the airport in 20 minutes." Niall tells Harry a d he bolts out if bed, suddenly really excited and has a burst of energy.

Harry rushes to his wardrobe and picks put black skinny jeans and a baby blue long sleeved top. He brushes through his curls and heads downstairs, making sure he has Louis hoodie clutched in his hands tightly.

"Here, Haz, you only have time for a banana. We gotta leave soon." Liam says handing Harry a banana.

He takes it and starts to eat it, since Liam has already unpeeled it for him.

Once he was done, he quickly heads upstairs to brush his teeth. He looks at himself in the mirror, a beautiful smile plastered on his face.

"Come on, Harry! We gotta go!" Zayn calls up the stairs and Harry comes running downstairs without hoodie in his grasp.

Harry puts his trainers/sneakers on and Niall ties the laces up for him.

"Ok, in the car. Louis plane will be landing on 40 minutes." Liam tells everyone and they all puke into the car.

Zayn and Liam sit in the front and Harry and Niall sit in the back. Liam was driving. He starts the car and they drive off to the airport, Harry practically jumping up and down in his seat.

Once they arrived at the airport,they had to wait arounc for about 10 minutes, until Louis plans lands and they all exit.

"Where is he?" Harry asks excitedly, bouncing on his feet.

"Just be patient, Haz." Niall says chuckling and Harry nods.

Harry can barely wait for Louis to exit the plane gate. He is gonna run at him and scream. He's gonna hug him so tightly.

Suddenly, Harry sees people exiting the gate Louis is supposed to exit. Here we go! Harry is finally going to see Louis.....

This chapter is so long, so part 3 will be out soon. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!


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