Not Who You Think

0Aratay0 द्वारा

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Fred, George, Luna, and Ginny have being working in the shadows against Dumble... अधिक



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0Aratay0 द्वारा

Just a reminder of who is who in the main group, in case the codenames/nicknames get a bit confusing.

Harry - Shadow / Hadrian - Prince

Hermione - Streak

Ron - Striker

Neville - Flit

Luna - Flicker

Ginny - Flame

Fred - Chaos

George - Mayhem

The next morning Harry managed to slip away from Mrs Weasley's sight, locking himself in the bathroom as breakfast was cleaned up. They were going to visit Mr Weasley that day, but first he needed to contact the three still at Hogwarts so that they could stay in the loop. He thought about everyone, so that Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron, who were still downstairs, would be able to hear his conversation with Hermione, Neville, and Luna as well.

"Flit? Flicker? Streak?" he said aloud once he heard the multiple clicks that signalled that the connection had been accepted and opened by the people he was trying to contact.

"I'm here Shadow. Where are you? And do you know where Flame, Striker, Chaos, and Mayhem are?" Hermione asked, her voice speaking right into his ear through his shadow phoenix ear piece.

"I'm here as well," Neville said. "What happened last night?"

"I'm with Striker, Mayhem, Chaos, and Flame. We're at the Chickens' Headquarters right now. I had a dream, or a vision type of thing last night and saw Mr Weasley get attacked by a snake while he was guarding whatever the Chickens are guarding," he explained.

"How did you see it Shadow?" Luna's voice asked curiously.

"I saw it from the snake's perspective. It was really weird, and it took me a while to fully get back to my body and awareness, if that makes sense. Lemons seems to have been waiting for something like this to happen though. He didn't seem surprised, and it was like he expected me to see it through the snake."

"I'll see if I can find anything about connections in the Chamber and I'll ask the Room for books about connections like that. Hopefully, I'll be able to find something, even if I have to double up," Hermione said.

"We'll need to meet again to run over plans for Yule. We were meant to meet tomorrow but now it'll be harder to get away, especially since Molly is here," Fred said, obviously having been able to get away for a short while.

"That is a good point. Shadow and I could shadow to the castle with Chaos and Mayhem, while Flame flamed. We do have the turner, so could turn back after the meeting to make sure we aren't missed," Ron suggested, making Harry think that everyone had been able to get away.

"That sounds like a plan. So, we'll meet like we had planned," Neville summarised.

"Sounds good," Ginny agreed. Harry waited a few seconds, but when no one made a move to talk, he shut his connection to the group and left the bathroom to find the others. He didn't get very far before he found Ron.

"Come on, Tonks and Mad Eye are here to escort us to St Mongo's. Molly wants to leave now and sent me to find you," Ron said. Harry nodded and they headed downstairs together to head to the hospital.

The five Phantoms that were visiting Mr Weasley were all very glad to see that he was fine and was expected to recover. They were currently waiting outside the ward while the adults talked about what happened and didn't want them listening. Unfortunately for the collection of Chickens, Fred and George had brought some of their Extendable Ears, which they developed for the Phantoms so they could gather more information but passed off as joke items, meaning that the five of them could hear everything that was being said.

"At least we're not the only one that Lemons doesn't tell anything to," Harry said after hearing that Mad Eye though he was being possessed by Voldemort, pulling his Extendable Ear out.

"Well, there is that. But possession is an option we didn't consider," Ron said.

"However, what are the chances that Basilisk is possessing him. I mean, you remember everything that's happened, no blank spots; you would have mentioned if you couldn't remember things. And Striker said that he and Flit were trying to wake you up for a while before you did, and if you were possessed you would have been where the attack took place," Ginny pointed out.

"Ok, we can rule that out then," Ron acknowledged.

"Could it have something to do with how he used your blood in his rebirth potion?" Fred asked. Harry thought for a moment before replying.

"It could, but I don't think so. I was already feeling his emotions and did get two different vision type things like it during fourth year, before he had my blood. And in first year my scar already reacted around him."

"Very true. It could be part of a unique father-son bond," George suggested.

"That is possible," Ron agreed.

"It's more likely from an after effect of surviving the killing curse since both of you survived it and that's something that hasn't happened before," Ginny said.

"Actually, yeah, that would make a lot of sense Flame. Maybe you should suggest that to Streak to help her with her research," Harry suggested.

"I'll do that now. I've just gone to the bathroom if Molly asks." Ginny walked off while the rest of them remained outside the door, Fred and George still listening in on the conversation even while Ron and Harry weren't. Harry glanced around before pulling his shrunken trunk out of his pocket, quickly entering it, and grabbing his design book, which he had put back in it before he went to bed the previous night or early this morning, before getting out of the trunk and shrinking it again.

He sat down against the wall with his book against his legs, wand in hand with a pencil behind his ear; none of the Chickens knew that he drew with his wand, so the pencil was for appearances. He continued working on the tattoo designs while he waited for the Chickens in the ward to let them back in. So far, he only had Fred and George's hyenas left, but he still couldn't work out how to link the tattoos, and he still had to create a spell or some other way to make the tattoos move.

The next day the five of them managed to make excuses for reasons that they would be in their rooms for a while before shadowing and flaming to Hogwarts, directly to the Chamber. They started to set up while they waited for Hermione, Luna, and Neville. Normally, Harry would have gone to open the Chamber for them, but Hermione said she would get them there. The Chamber was in a lot better condition than it had been in second year; the Basilisk corpse was gone, with its parts sold and some of the skin made in to duelling robes, boots, and masks for when they went out on their hunts and missions, as well as wand holsters for the Phantoms, and the structure reinforces so that no more collapses occurred. Just as Harry was beginning to wonder if they had been held up, Hermione, Luna, and Neville appeared in a large burst of black smoke.

Once they were all set up, they all turned to Hermione to start.

"I did manage to research some of the ways that the connection could occur. I'm pretty sure that Flame is right in saying that it is a side effect of the rebounding killing curse. I still haven't found how that could have happened yet, either. Anyway, I went down that path and looked into how the killing curse works. It ejects the soul from the body at the same time as it sends a shock to the heart and brain, and without the soul, the brain and the heart don't restart or even try to; the body can survive without the soul, but not if the heart or brain stop.

"So, I did a relive and looked into soul magic. Soul magic is definitely the answer to how Basilisk survived that night, which I'm glad I was finally able to find the answer to, by the way. There was no information about either topic in the library, which I expected, but the Room of Requirements was able to provide."

"What did you find Streak?" Flit asked.

"I believe that Basilisk created Horcruxes. He split his soul through murder and encased it in a container. I believe that he did it multiple times, meaning that, when he attempted to kill you, Shadow, his soul was so unstable that it split again and a part of it attached itself to you, where your scar is," Streak explained.

"What makes you think he made multiple? Wouldn't splitting your soul once make it unstable?" Striker asked.

"Well, from what I've heard about the diary, it sounds like it was a Horcrux. And since it was destroyed before fourth year, there had to have been at least one other anchoring him to the Earth. However, it didn't seem like he intended to make Shadow into a Horcrux, since no one has ever made a living Horcrux before. And he didn't seem surprised that he had been able to come back, even after learning that the diary had been destroyed."

"Makes sense," Shadow agreed.

"One other thing makes me think that he made more than one," Streak added.

"What?" Flame asked.

"Well, when I asked the Room for information on Horcruxes, to further investigate them, it provided this." She reached into her trunk, the normal section, and pulled out a tiara like object. Harry gasped as his scar immediately seemed to react to it, a sensation of kinship appearing.

"Yeah, that's definitely one of them. But how many did he make?"

"See, that's what I can't work out," Streak admitted.

"Seven, plus himself," Flicker interjected.

"Seven is the most powerful number," Mayhem agreed.

"And we already know what three of them are," Chaos added.

"Yeah, this tiara thing, the diary, and Shadow," Striker said.

"That tiara thing, Striker, is Ravenclaw's lost diadem. And it makes sense that he had seven plus himself, if he didn't realise that he made Shadow one. He would have wanted his soul in seven pieces," Streak said.

"Could that be the cause of his insanity towards the end of the last war?" Flit asked.

"It could be. The soul is meant to stay whole, so splitting it can't be the most beneficial thing for your continued health and sanity," Streak said slowly.

"But do we know if he really was insane?" Shadow interjected. The rest of the group turned to stare at him, incredulous looks on all of their faces.

"I mean, think about it. I don't see that someone who was insane would have been able to create and lead and army as large as the Death Eaters. Plus, the only proof we have that he was insane is what Lemons and the Chickens say. And he couldn't have been completely insane, since he was in a relationship with my mother and papa. And as crazy as it sounds, I don't see any of my parents wanting to have a child when one of them is insane; at the very least, I doubt that Lady Malfoy would allow it, considering how much she dotes on Draco," he explained.

"But what about the attacks? I mean, he even attacked a baby. No sane person thinks that a baby could be a threat," Mayhem pointed out.

"Think about it though. Most of the factual reports that we've found that give a whole picture of the war suggest that most of the large attacks and the more insane moves occurred within the last year, after a short lull in raids. And we know, through what Howl and Eclipse told me, that I was taken within a month of my birth."

"That does make sense. Losing a child would definitely send anyone insane and would explain why Basilisk seemed to stop thinking logically," Flame agreed.

"Are the plans for the meet up all set?" Flit asked.

"I looked through it a couple of nights ago and it does look like we planned for everything. I just have to send the letter asking for a meeting, which I was planning on sending later today," Shadow said.

"You'll use a non-descript owl to send the message that Streak will send you after the meeting, since Hedwig is too recognisable," Striker continued.

"And you'll keep the turner after you turn back today and use that so that you aren't missed while at the meeting," Streak added.

"That sounds like we're ready for the meeting. Ok, plans for Yule?" Fred asked.

"Yule is on the 23rd, so we should be able to meet up the night before to start the ritual and then spend the day together, celebrating how we are meant to, before spinning back," Neville said.

"We all head to Black Manor and then spin back a couple of hours and then head to Potter Manor to start the ritual at the right time and then spend the next day at Potter Manor before spinning back so we aren't missed," Ron suggested.

"Basilisk may invite me to spend Yule with the family, so I'll have to do another relive and bounce between places; I am not missing Yule with you guys," Harry added.

"What about balls?" Luna asked. Harry tilted his head, thinking.

"That is a good point Flicker. That just makes me even more thankful for the turner, so I'll probably be reliving a lot during the holidays."

"You and me both. I think I'll need to relieve just to get away from Headquarters so that I don't kill anyone," Ginny grumbled, causing the others to laugh.

"Is that everything?" Neville asked.

"It is," Harry confirmed.

"Actually Shadow, I was thinking that you could take the diadem with you tomorrow. It would show that our group wants to help him, especially since anyone could have found it in the Room of Requirements," Hermione suggested, handing the diadem over.

"Thanks." He nodded, taking the offered Horcrux, along with the time turner that Hermione passed over next. With nothing else to discuss, they all stood, packing their things up before using their various methods of transportation to leave the Chamber.

As soon as they were back in their rooms at Headquarters, Harry checked the time before looping the chain of the turner around all of their necks, spinning back two hours; they had been longer than they thought. They all split to go about their day, Harry going straight to his room to write the letter to his father, after making sure that the diadem was safely secured in his trunk. It took a while, and lots of scrapped drafts that he burnt after he finished, but he finally managed to write a letter that contained all the right information without giving away who he was or explaining too much.

Dark Lord Voldemort.

I contact you to request a meeting. I am part of a group of like-minded individuals that wish to break away from the Light and get away from Dumbledore's manipulations. Our group wish to speak about an alliance with you and your Death Eaters. None of us are soldiers, and none of us desire to be marked. However, we feel that an alliance would benefit all of us.

If you are inclined to meet and discuss things, please reply with a date, and time that would suit you, as well as a location. I only ask that the meeting occur before the new year.


Folding the letter up, Harry covered it in protective spells, making it so that it couldn't be damaged by water, torn up, or opened by anyone other than his father; if anyone intercepted the message and tried to open it, they would get a nasty, and painful, surprise. He looked up when he heard a tapping to see the owl that Hermione had sent to him outside the window. Perfect timing.

He opened the window, letting the owl inside. The owl landed on the desk next to him and he tied the letter to the owls leg.

"This is for the Dark Lord Voldemort," he whispered to the owl who hooted in response. Harry gave the owl a treat before carrying it to the window, allowing the owl to leave. Before opening the window, he waved his wand over the owl, adding a timed disillusion so that no one would see the owl leaving his room, or even notice the owl until it was far away from Grimmauld Place. He felt the owl's weight leave his arm and waited a few minutes before closing the window again.

When he reached his room that evening after dinner, which he and the others had to discretely check for potions before they ate it, and nullify any that they found, he found the owl from earlier perched on his desk. He had opened the window before coming down for dinner, hoping that the owl would return soon but not actually expecting it; he had thought it would take a couple of days before he got a response.

He hurried towards the owl, hastily untying the letter, and offering the owl a treat and some water. He quickly scanned the letter with his magic, finding only the same ones that he had cast on his letter, as well as a protective parsel charm and a charm that he was pretty sure made the parchment a portkey, but since it hadn't activated as soon as he touched it, he assumed it was time activated and that it would be explained in the letter; probably to get him to the meeting if Voldemort had agreed to one, since he doubted that Voldemort would tell him how to find his base. Happy that he wouldn't be cursed if he opened it, he unfolded the parchment and began to read.


I will admit that you have intrigued me by your offer, something that doesn't occur often. I do wonder why you think that I would want an alliance with your group but understand that it will be discussed at the meeting that you have requested. I have arranged for our meeting to take place tomorrow. This letter is charmed to be a portkey that will bring you to my base of operations at ten o'clock.

Dark Lord Voldemort.

Harry re-read the letter once more before grabbing his trunk and putting it away inside. He then turned to his ear piece, opening the connection to Ron and Hermione.

"Basilisk just replied. The meeting is set for tomorrow at ten," he said as soon as he knew that Hermione and Ron had opened the connection.

"That's brilliant, and so much sooner than we expected," Hermione replied.

"When did he reply?" Ron asked.

"I just found the owl now," Harry replied, Ron would have known that, except he had gone to the living room to play exploding snap with the twins.

"You're all set for tomorrow?" Hermione checked.

"I am. I'll stay in my room and switch to my base form before it's time for the portkey that he sent to activate, and shadow back once the meeting is done," he confirmed.

"And keep the connection open during the meeting," Hermione added. Harry rolled his eyes but agreed.

"Sure Streak. But I still don't understand why you want me to. I'll tell you guys what we talk about anyway as soon as I return."

"In case he asks something that you can't remember and one of us need to answer," Ron reminded him. They had already discussed keeping the connection open during one of the meetings when they were making the plans about how to approach Voldemort.

"Right. Well, I still don't get why you guys have no faith in me. In case you've forgotten, I've survived this far, haven't I?" he joked. He heard Hermione huff but giggle slightly at that.

"Well, we just don't want you to have to think on your feet like you end up doing when you get into impossible situations. We have a plan and I would like to stick to it, please Shadow," Ron said teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah," he murmured, before shutting the connection. Bring on tomorrow.

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